Takip et
Eleonora Saggini
Eleonora Saggini
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Genova and CNR-ISSIA
dima.unige.it üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Unmanned surface vehicles for automatic bathymetry mapping and shores' maintenance
M Bibuli, G Bruzzone, M Caccia, E Fumagalli, E Saggini, E Zereik, ...
OCEANS 2014-TAIPEI, 1-7, 2014
Performance indices for evaluation and comparison of unmanned marine vehicles' guidance systems
E Saggini, E Zereik, M Bibuli, G Bruzzone, M Caccia, E Riccomagno
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 12182-12187, 2014
Assessing path-following performance for unmanned marine vehicles with algorithms from numerical commutative algebra
E Saggini, M Torrente, E Riccomagno, M Bibuli, G Bruzzone, M Caccia, ...
22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 752-757, 2014
Evaluation and comparison of navigation guidance and control systems for 2d surface path-following
E Saggini, E Zereik, M Bibuli, A Ranieri, G Bruzzone, M Caccia, ...
Annual Reviews in Control 40, 182-190, 2015
Testing the waters: design of replicable experiments for performance assessment of marine robotic platforms
A Sorbara, A Ranieri, E Saggini, E Zereik, M Bibuli, G Bruzzone, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 22 (3), 62-71, 2015
Towards good experimental methodologies for unmanned marine vehicles
M Caccia, E Saggini, M Bibuli, G Bruzzone, E Zereik, E Riccomagno
Computer Aided Systems Theory-EUROCAST 2013: 14th International Conference …, 2013
An Euclidean norm based criterion to assess robots' 2D path-following performance
E Saggini, ML Torrente
Journal of Algebraic Statistics 7 (1), 45-71, 2016
Study of the heading parameter in steady-state through repeated medians and correlogram
E Saggini
Degree Thesis, University of Genova, 2012
Accounting for model uncertainty in individualized designs for discrete choice experiments
G Consonni, L Deldossi, E Saggini
Journal of Quality Technology 52 (1), 81-96, 2020
Adaptive Experimental Design for Path-following Performance Assessment of Unmanned Vehicles
E Saggini, E Riccomagno, M Caccia, HP Wynn
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.04330, 2016
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