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Gabriele Tocci
Gabriele Tocci
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Water at interfaces
O Björneholm, MH Hansen, A Hodgson, LM Liu, DT Limmer, ...
Chemical reviews 116 (13), 7698-7726, 2016
Friction of Water on Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride from Ab Initio Methods: Very Different Slippage Despite Very Similar Interface Structures
G Tocci, L Joly, A Michaelides
Nano letters 14 (12), 6872-6877, 2014
Structure of a model TiO2 photocatalytic interface
H Hussain, G Tocci, T Woolcot, X Torrelles, CL Pang, DS Humphrey, ...
Nature materials 16 (4), 461-466, 2017
Electrolytes induce long-range orientational order and free energy changes in the H-bond network of bulk water
Y Chen, HI Okur, N Gomopoulos, C Macias-Romero, PS Cremer, ...
Science advances 2 (4), e1501891, 2016
Fast diffusion of water nanodroplets on graphene
M Ma, G Tocci, A Michaelides, G Aeppli
Nature materials 15 (1), 66-71, 2016
Solvent-induced proton hopping at a water–oxide interface
G Tocci, A Michaelides
The journal of physical chemistry letters 5 (3), 474-480, 2014
Immobilization of molecular catalysts on electrode surfaces using host–guest interactions
L Sévery, J Szczerbiński, M Taskin, I Tuncay, F Brandalise Nunes, ...
Nature Chemistry 13 (6), 523-529, 2021
Ab initio nanofluidics: disentangling the role of the energy landscape and of density correlations on liquid/solid friction
G Tocci, M Bilichenko, L Joly, M Iannuzzi
Nanoscale 12 (20), 10994-11000, 2020
Strong coupling between nanofluidic transport and interfacial chemistry: How defect reactivity controls liquid–solid friction through hydrogen bonding
L Joly, G Tocci, S Merabia, A Michaelides
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (7), 1381-1386, 2016
Solvent fluctuations and nuclear quantum effects modulate the molecular hyperpolarizability of water
C Liang, G Tocci, DM Wilkins, A Grisafi, S Roke, M Ceriotti
Physical Review B 96 (4), 041407, 2017
Osmotic transport at the aqueous graphene and hBN interfaces: Scaling laws from a unified, first-principles description
L Joly, RH Meißner, M Iannuzzi, G Tocci
ACS nano 15 (9), 15249-15258, 2021
Fast increase of nanofluidic slip in supercooled water: the key role of dynamics
C Herrero, G Tocci, S Merabia, L Joly
Nanoscale 12 (39), 20396-20403, 2020
Second-harmonic scattering as a probe of structural correlations in liquids
G Tocci, C Liang, DM Wilkins, S Roke, M Ceriotti
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (21), 4311-4316, 2016
Connection between water’s dynamical and structural properties: Insights from ab initio simulations
C Herrero, M Pauletti, G Tocci, M Iannuzzi, L Joly
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (21), e2121641119, 2022
Impact of confinement and polarizability on dynamics of ionic liquids
J Gäding, G Tocci, M Busch, P Huber, RH Meißner
The journal of chemical physics 156 (6), 2022
Catalyst proximity-induced functionalization of h-BN with quat derivatives
A Hemmi, H Cun, G Tocci, A Epprecht, B Stel, M Lingenfelder, LH de Lima, ...
Nano letters 19 (9), 5998-6004, 2019
The role of the water contact layer on hydration and transport at solid/liquid interfaces
J Gäding, V Della Balda, J Lan, J Konrad, M Iannuzzi, RH Meißner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (38), e2407877121, 2024
Slip opacity and fast osmotic transport of hydrophobes at aqueous interfaces with two-dimensional materials
M Bilichenko, M Iannuzzi, G Tocci
ACS nano 18 (35), 24118-24127, 2024
Realistic modelling of water/solid interfaces from Ab initio molecular dynamics
UCL (University College London), 2014
Correction to “Slip Opacity and Fast Osmotic Transport of Hydrophobes at Aqueous Interfaces with Two-Dimensional Materials”
M Bilichenko, M Iannuzzi, G Tocci
ACS nano 18 (49), 33766-33766, 2024
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