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Claire Rambeau
Claire Rambeau
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Alıntı yapanlar
Changes in Mediterranean climate during the Holocene: Insights from global and regional climate modelling
DJ Brayshaw, CMC Rambeau, SJ Smith
The Holocene 21 (1), 15-31, 2011
Cadmium distribution in soils covering Jurassic oolitic limestone with high Cd contents in the Swiss Jura
RP Quezada-Hinojosa, V Matera, T Adatte, C Rambeau, KB Föllmi
Geoderma 150 (3-4), 287-301, 2009
Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in the Southern Levant: synthesis, challenges, recent developments and perspectives
CMC Rambeau
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2010
Past, present and future precipitation in the Middle East: insights from models and observations
E Black, DJ Brayshaw, CMC Rambeau
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2010
Sedimentology and trace element geochemistry of shallow-marine carbonates: an approach to paleoenvironmental analysis along the Pagny-sur-Meuse Section (Upper Jurassic, France)
B Vincent, C Rambeau, L Emmanuel, JP Loreau
Facies 52, 69-84, 2006
High cadmium concentrations in Jurassic limestone as the cause for elevated cadmium levels in deriving soils: a case study in Lower Burgundy, France
CMC Rambeau, D Baize, N Saby, V Matera, T Adatte, KB Föllmi
Environmental earth sciences 61, 1573-1585, 2010
Palaeoenvironments of the southern Levant 5,000 BP to present: linking the geological and archaeological records
C Rambeau, S Black
Water, life and civilisation: Climate, environment and society in the Jordan …, 2011
The environmental setting of Epipalaeolithic aggregation site Kharaneh IV
MD Jones, LA Maher, DA Macdonald, C Ryan, C Rambeau, S Black, ...
Quaternary International 396, 95-104, 2016
Lichens used as monitors of atmospheric pollution around Agadir (southwestern Morocco)—a case study predating lead-free gasoline
F Monna, L Bouchaou, C Rambeau, R Losno, O Bruguier, G Dongarrà, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223, 1263-1274, 2012
16 Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction at Beidha, southern Jordan (c. 18,000–8,500 BP): Implications for human occupation during the Natufian and Pre-Pottery Neolithic
C Rambeau, B Finlayson, S Smith, S Black, R Inglis, S Robinson
Water, life and civilisation: Climate, environment and society in the Jordan …, 2011
Cadmium anomalies in Jurassic carbonates (Bajocian, Oxfordian) in western and southern Europe
C Rambeau
Provenance discrimination of fine sediments by mid‐infrared spectroscopy: Calibration and application to fluvial palaeo‐environmental reconstruction
S Chapkanski, D Ertlen, C Rambeau, L Schmitt
Sedimentology 67 (2), 1114-1134, 2020
A new method for the determination of Holocene palaeohydrology
AJ Wade, SJ Smith, ECL Black, DJ Brayshaw, PAC Holmes, ...
Journal of Hydrology 420, 1-16, 2012
Using proxy data, historical climate data and climate models to investigate aridification during the Holocene
E Black, D Brayshaw, S Black, C Rambeau
Water, Life and Civilisation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 105-112, 2011
Chronostratigraphy, depositional patterns and climatic imprints in Lake Acigöl (SW Anatolia) during the Quaternary
F Demory, C Rambeau, AÉ Lebatard, M Perrin, S Blawal, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 56, 101038, 2020
Sustainable management of the Upper Rhine River and its alluvial plain: Lessons from interdisciplinary research in France and Germany
L Schmitt, JN Beisel, F Preusser, C de Jong, KM Wantzen, V Chardon, ...
Hamman Ph., Vuilleumier S., Sustainability Research in the Upper Rhine …, 2019
Development, distribution and palaeoenvironmental significance of terrestrial carbonates in the Petra region, southern Jordan
N Abu-Jaber, C Rambeau, C Hamarneh, B Lucke, R Inglis, M Alqudah
Quaternary International 545, 3-16, 2020
From global climate change to local impact in Wadi Faynan, southern Jordan: ten millennia of human settlement in its hydrological context
S Smith, A Wade, E Black, D Brayshaw, C Rambeau, S Mithen
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Continuous presence of proto-cereals in Anatolia since 2.3 Ma, and their possible co-evolution with large herbivores and hominins
V Andrieu-Ponel, P Rochette, F Demory, H Alçiçek, N Boulbes, D Bourlès, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8914, 2021
Palaeoenvironmental and limnological reconstruction of Lake Lisan and the Dead Sea
S Black, SA Robinson, R Fitton, R Goodship, C Rambeau, B Sellwood
Cambridge University Press, 2011
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