Takip et
Miguel A. Rodríguez-Molina
Miguel A. Rodríguez-Molina
Universidad de Granada. Dpto. Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Internet vs. travel agencies on pre-visit destination image formation: An information processing view
DM Frias, MA Rodríguez, JA Castañeda
Tourism management 29 (1), 163-179, 2008
Modeling a city’s image: The case of Granada
T Luque-Martínez, S Del Barrio-García, JÁ Ibáñez-Zapata, MÁR Molina
Cities 24 (5), 335-352, 2007
The contribution of website design to the generation of tourist destination image: The moderating effect of involvement
MA Rodríguez-Molina, DM Frías-Jamilena, JA Castañeda-García
Tourism management 47, 303-317, 2015
The moderating role of gender on entrepreneurial intentions: A TPB perspective
JLR Robledo, MV Arán, VM Sanchez, MÁR Molina
Intangible capital 11 (1), 92-117, 2015
The formation of a tourist destination's image via information sources: The moderating effect of culture
DM Frías, MA Rodríguez, J Alberto Castañeda, CM Sabiote, D Buhalis
International Journal of Tourism Research 14 (5), 437-450, 2012
The perceived value of the rural tourism stay and its effect on rural tourist behaviour
AIP Peña, DMF Jamilena, MÁR Molina
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 20 (8), 1045-1065, 2012
The effect of value-creation on consumer-based destination brand equity
DM Frías Jamilena, AI Polo Pena, MA Rodriguez Molina
Journal of Travel Research 56 (8), 1011-1031, 2017
The influence of the Internet on destination satisfaction
JA Castañeda, DM Frías, MA Rodríguez
Internet Research 17 (4), 402-420, 2007
The moderating role of past experience in the formation of a tourist destination's image and in tourists’ behavioural intentions
MÁ Rodríguez Molina, DM Frías-Jamilena, JA Castañeda-García
Current issues in tourism 16 (2), 107-127, 2013
Internal market orientation: An empirical research in hotel sector
JL Ruizalba, G Bermúdez-González, MA Rodríguez-Molina, MJ Blanca
International Journal of Hospitality Management 38, 11-19, 2014
Attitudes' hierarchy of effects in online user behaviour
JA Castaneda, MA Rodríguez, T Luque
Online Information Review 33 (1), 7-21, 2009
Antecedents of internet acceptance and use as an information source by tourists
JA Castaneda, DM Frias, MA Rodriguez
Online Information Review 33 (3), 548-567, 2009
Antecedents of loyalty toward rural hospitality enterprises: The moderating effect of the customer's previous experience
AIP Peña, DMF Jamilena, MÁR Molina
International Journal of Hospitality Management 34, 127-137, 2013
How green should you be: can environmental associations enhance brand performance?
FJ Montoro-Rios, T Luque-Martínez, MA Rodríguez-Molina
Journal of Advertising Research 48 (4), 547-563, 2008
Servitization strategies from customers’ perspective: the moderating role of co-creation
JL Ruiz-Alba, A Soares, MA Rodríguez-Molina, DM Frías-Jamilena
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 34 (3), 628-642, 2019
Destination brand equity-formation: Positioning by tourism type and message consistency
MA Rodríguez-Molina, DM Frías-Jamilena, S Del Barrio-García, ...
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 12, 114-124, 2019
Value co-creation via information and communications technology
AI Polo Peña, DM Frías Jamilena, MÁ Rodríguez Molina
The Service Industries Journal 34 (13), 1043-1059, 2014
Impact of market orientation and ICT on the performance of rural smaller service enterprises
AI Polo Peña, DM Frías Jamilena, MA Rodriguez Molina
Journal of Small Business Management 49 (3), 331-360, 2011
Determinants of the use of the internet as a tourist information source
T Luque-Martínez, J Alberto Castañeda-García, DM Frías-Jamilena, ...
The Service Industries Journal 27 (7), 881-891, 2007
Museum visitors’ heterogeneity and experience processing
JL Ruiz-Alba, A Nazarian, MA Rodríguez-Molina, L Andreu
International Journal of Hospitality Management 78, 131-141, 2019
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