Personalizing persuasive technologies: Explicit and implicit personalization using persuasion profiles M Kaptein, P Markopoulos, B De Ruyter, E Aarts International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 77, 38-51, 2015 | 402 | 2015 |
Adaptive persuasive systems: a study of tailored persuasive text messages to reduce snacking M Kaptein, B De Ruyter, P Markopoulos, E Aarts ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 2 (2), 1-25, 2012 | 370 | 2012 |
New research perspectives on ambient intelligence E Aarts, B De Ruyter Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 1 (1), 5-14, 2009 | 312 | 2009 |
Connecting the family with awareness systems N Romero, P Markopoulos, J Van Baren, B De Ruyter, W Ijsselsteijn, ... Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11, 299-312, 2007 | 237 | 2007 |
Assessing the effects of building social intelligence in a robotic interface for the home B De Ruyter, P Saini, P Markopoulos, A Van Breemen Interacting with computers 17 (5), 522-541, 2005 | 223 | 2005 |
Toward a better understanding of the relation between music preference, listening behavior, and personality PG Dunn, B De Ruyter, DG Bouwhuis Psychology of Music 40 (4), 411-428, 2012 | 222 | 2012 |
Can you be persuaded? Individual differences in susceptibility to persuasion M Kaptein, P Markopoulos, B de Ruyter, E Aarts Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2009: 12th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2009 | 180 | 2009 |
Keeping in touch with the family: home and away with the ASTRA awareness system P Markopoulos, N Romero, J van Baren, W IJsselsteijn, B de Ruyter, ... CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1351-1354, 2004 | 161 | 2004 |
Ambient intelligence: visualizing the future B De Ruyter, E Aarts Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, 203-208, 2004 | 149 | 2004 |
Awareness systems: Advances in theory, methodology and design P Markopoulos, W Mackay Springer Science & Business Media, 2009 | 142 | 2009 |
Patient room lighting influences on sleep, appraisal and mood in hospitalized people MC Giménez, LM Geerdinck, M Versteylen, P Leffers, GJBM Meekes, ... Journal of sleep research 26 (2), 236-246, 2017 | 126 | 2017 |
Ambient assisted-living research in carelab B Ruyter, E Pelgrim interactions 14 (4), 30-33, 2007 | 124 | 2007 |
Persuasion in ambient intelligence MC Kaptein, P Markopoulos, B De Ruyter, E Aarts Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 1, 43-56, 2010 | 118 | 2010 |
Lighting to make you feel better: Improving the mood of elderly people with affective ambiences A Kuijsters, J Redi, B De Ruyter, I Heynderickx PloS one 10 (7), e0132732, 2015 | 104 | 2015 |
Lighting up the office: The effect of wall luminance on room appraisal, office workers' performance, and subjective alertness A de Vries, JL Souman, B de Ruyter, I Heynderickx, YAW de Kort Building and Environment 142, 534-543, 2018 | 101 | 2018 |
Arm and hand skills: training preferences after stroke AAA Timmermans, HAM Seelen, RD Willmann, W Bakx, B De Ruyter, ... Disability and rehabilitation 31 (16), 1344-1352, 2009 | 97 | 2009 |
Measuring affective benefits and costs of awareness systems supporting intimate social networks J Van Baren, WA IJsselsteijn, P Markopoulos, N Romero, B De Ruyter CTIT workshop proceedings series 2, 13-19, 2004 | 71 | 2004 |
Investigating privacy attitudes and behavior in relation to personalization E Van De Garde-Perik, P Markopoulos, B De Ruyter, B Eggen, ... Social Science Computer Review 26 (1), 20-43, 2008 | 70 | 2008 |
Method and system for organizing content on a time axis BE De Ruyter, NR Herrera, J Van Baren US Patent App. 10/577,397, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |
Designing a free style, indirect, and interactive storytelling application for people with aphasia E Daemen, P Dadlani, J Du, Y Li, P Erik-Paker, JB Martens, B De Ruyter Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2007: 11th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2007 | 57 | 2007 |