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Teguh Citra Asmara
Teguh Citra Asmara
European XFEL
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Alıntı yapanlar
Electron transport and visible light absorption in a plasmonic photocatalyst based on strontium niobate
DY Wan, YL Zhao, Y Cai, TC Asmara, Z Huang, JQ Chen, J Hong, SM Yin, ...
Nature Communications 8, 15070, 2017
Mechanisms of charge transfer and redistribution in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 revealed by high-energy optical conductivity
TC Asmara, A Annadi, I Santoso, PK Gogoi, A Kotlov, HM Omer, ...
Nature Communications 5, 3663, 2014
Tunable and low-loss correlated plasmons in Mott-like insulating oxides
TC Asmara, D Wan, Y Zhao, MA Majidi, CT Nelson, MC Scott, Y Cai, ...
Nature Communications 8, 15271, 2017
Interplay of electronic reconstructions, surface oxygen vacancies, and lattice distortions in insulator-metal transition of
J Zhou, TC Asmara, M Yang, GA Sawatzky, YP Feng, A Rusydi
Physical Review B 92 (12), 125423, 2015
Tunable optical absorption and interactions in graphene via oxygen plasma
I Santoso, RS Singh, PK Gogoi, TC Asmara, D Wei, W Chen, ATS Wee, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 89 (7), 075134, 2014
Tuning the Interface Conductivity of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Using Ion Beams: Implications for Patterning
S Mathew, A Annadi, TK Chan, TC Asmara, D Zhan, XR Wang, S Azimi, ...
ACS nano 7 (12), 10572-10581, 2013
Importance of electronic correlations and unusual excitonic effects in formamidinium lead halide perovskites
TJ Whitcher, JX Zhu, X Chi, H Hu, D Zhao, TC Asmara, X Yu, MBH Breese, ...
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021034, 2018
Electronic defect states at the LaAlO 3/SrTiO 3 heterointerface revealed by O K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy
N Palina, A Annadi, TC Asmara, C Diao, X Yu, MBH Breese, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (20), 13844-13851, 2016
Anomalous excitons and screenings unveiling strong electronic correlations in
PK Gogoi, L Sponza, D Schmidt, TC Asmara, C Diao, JCW Lim, SM Poh, ...
Physical Review B 92 (3), 035119, 2015
Uniaxial pressure induced stripe order rotation in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4
Q Wang, K von Arx, DG Mazzone, S Mustafi, M Horio, J Küspert, J Choi, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1795, 2022
Optical conductivity renormalization of graphene on SrTiO3 due to resonant excitonic effects mediated by Ti 3d orbitals
PK Gogoi, PE Trevisanutto, M Yang, I Santoso, TC Asmara, A Terentjevs, ...
Physical Review B 91, 035424, 2015
Generation of multiple plasmons in strontium niobates mediated by local field effects
T Zhu, PE Trevisanutto, TC Asmara, L Xu, YP Feng, A Rusydi
Physical Review B 98 (23), 235115, 2018
The Mechanism of Electrolyte Gating on High-Tc Cuprates: The Role of Oxygen Migration and Electrostatics
L Zhang, S Zeng, X Yin, TC Asmara, P Yang, K Han, Y Cao, W Zhou, ...
ACS nano 11 (10), 9950-9956, 2017
Cationic vacancies and anomalous spectral-weight transfer in TiTaO thin films studied via polarization-dependent near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure …
DC Qi, AR Barman, L Debbichi, S Dhar, I Santoso, TC Asmara, H Omer, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (24), 245201, 2013
Large enhancement of 2D electron gases mobility induced by interfacial localized electron screening effect
X Chi, Z Huang, TC Asmara, K Han, X Yin, X Yu, C Diao, M Yang, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (22), 1707428, 2018
Emerging giant resonant exciton induced by Ta substitution in anatase : A tunable correlation effect
Z Yong, PE Trevisanutto, L Chiodo, I Santoso, AR Barman, TC Asmara, ...
Physical Review B 93 (20), 205118, 2016
Self-consistent iteration procedure in analyzing reflectivity and spectroscopic ellipsometry data of multilayered materials and their interfaces
TC Asmara, I Santoso, A Rusydi
Review of scientific instruments 85 (12), 123116, 2014
Quasilocal plasmons in the insulator-metal transition in the Mott-type perovskites
A Chaudhuri, K Rubi, TC Asmara, X Chi, XJ Yu, R Mahendiran, A Rusydi
Physical Review B 98 (16), 165303, 2018
Coexistence of midgap antiferromagnetic and Mott states in undoped, hole-and electron-doped ambipolar cuprates
X Yin, S Zeng, T Das, G Baskaran, TC Asmara, I Santoso, X Yu, C Diao, ...
Physical review letters 116 (19), 197002, 2016
Unravelling strong electronic interlayer and intralayer correlations in a transition metal dichalcogenide
TJ Whitcher, AD Fauzi, D Caozheng, X Chi, A Syahroni, TC Asmara, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 6980, 2021
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