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Felisha Herrera
Felisha Herrera
sdsu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Making a difference in science education: The impact of undergraduate research programs
MK Eagan Jr, S Hurtado, MJ Chang, GA Garcia, FA Herrera, JC Garibay
American educational research journal 50 (4), 683-713, 2013
Maintaining initial interests: Developing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) career aspirations among underrepresented racial minority students
FA Herrera, S Hurtado
Association for educational research annual meeting, new orleans, la, 2011
A model for redefining STEM identity for talented STEM graduate students
FA Herrera, S Hurtado, GA Garcia, J Gasiewski
American Educational Research Association, 2012
When parties become racialized: Deconstructing racially themed parties
GA Garcia, MP Johnston, JC Garibay, FA Herrera, LG Giraldo
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 48 (1), 4-20, 2011
Clan, sage, and sky: Indigenous, Hispano, and Mestizo narratives of learning in New Mexico context
AF Chávez, F Ke, FA Herrera
American Educational Research Journal 49 (4), 775-806, 2012
Web-based teaching and learning across culture and age
F Ke, AF Chávez, F Herrera
Springer, 2013
Campus racial incidents, hate crimes, and white male and female students’ racial attitudes
JC Garibay, FA Herrera, MP Johnston-Guerrero, GA Garcia
The Journal of Higher Education 91 (1), 1-31, 2020
Documenting attitudes toward undocumented immigrant access to public education: A multilevel analysis
FA Herrera, JC Garibay, GA Garcia, MP Johnston
The Review of Higher Education 36 (4), 513-549, 2013
Becoming STEM protégés: Factors predicting the access and development of meaningful faculty-student relationships
K Eagan, FA Herrera, JC Garibay, S Hurtado, M Chang
Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum, Toronto, 2011
Connecting through engagement: Latinx student-faculty interaction in community college
FA Herrera, JWH Chapar, GK Sánchez
Association of Mexican American Educators Journal 11 (2), 65-88, 2017
Layers of influence: Exploring institutional-and state-level effects on college student views toward access to public education for undocumented immigrants
JC Garibay, FA Herrera, MP Johnston-Guerrero, GA Garcia
Research in Higher Education 57, 601-629, 2016
STEM graduate students’ multiple identities: How can I be me and be a scientist
MC Tran, FA Herrera, J Gasiewski
National Association of Research on Science Teaching, 2011
Diversity interventions in the classroom: From resistance to action
DB Thoman, MJ Yap, FA Herrera, JL Smith
CBE—Life Sciences Education 20 (4), ar52, 2021
Barricades, bridges, and programmatic adaptation: A multi-campus case study of STEM undergraduate research programs
J Gasiewski, MC Tran, F Herrera, GA Garcia, CB Newman
Association for Institutional Research Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2010
Curando la comunidad [healing the community]: Community-centered STEM identity
F Herrera, G Kovats Sánchez
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 21 (2), 135-150, 2022
Crashing the gate: Identifying alternative measures of student learning in introductory science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses
K Eagan, F Herrera, J Sharkness, S Hurtado, M Chang
American Educational Research Association, 2011
“It was hard, and it still is...”: Women of color navigating HSI STEM transfer pathways
FA Herrera, VC Rodriguez-Operana, G Kovats Sánchez, A Cerrillos, ...
AERA Open 8, 23328584221126480, 2022
Accentuating advantage: Developing science identity during college
MK Egan, S Hurtado, J Garibay, F Herrera
American Educational Research Association Conference, 2012
Maintaining career aspirations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) among college students
FA Herrera, S Hurtado, M Chang
Association for the Study of Higher Education, 2012
Latinx students in STEM college pathways: A closer look at diverse pathways through Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs).
FA Herrera, G Kovats Sanchez, M Navarro, MJ Zeldon
(Under)Represented Latin@s in STEM: Increasing Participation Throughout …, 2018
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