Detecting spam web pages through content analysis A Ntoulas, M Najork, M Manasse, D Fetterly Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, 83-92, 2006 | 912 | 2006 |
What's new on the Web? The evolution of the Web from a search engine perspective A Ntoulas, J Cho, C Olston Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, 1-12, 2004 | 713 | 2004 |
Method For Information Retrieval A Ntoulas, GC Chao US Patent App. 11/911,191, 2008 | 394 | 2008 |
Exploiting social context for review quality prediction Y Lu, P Tsaparas, A Ntoulas, L Polanyi Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web, 691-700, 2010 | 387 | 2010 |
Releasing search queries and clicks privately A Korolova, K Kenthapadi, N Mishra, A Ntoulas Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, 171-180, 2009 | 324 | 2009 |
Downloading textual hidden web content through keyword queries A Ntoulas, P Zerfos, J Cho Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2005 | 308 | 2005 |
Effective change detection using sampling J Cho, A Ntoulas VLDB'02: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Very Large …, 2002 | 161 | 2002 |
Selecting a comprehensive set of reviews P Tsaparas, A Ntoulas, E Terzi Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2011 | 137 | 2011 |
Pruning policies for two-tiered inverted index with correctness guarantee A Ntoulas, J Cho Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2007 | 135 | 2007 |
Homophily in the digital world: A LiveJournal case study H Lauw, JC Shafer, R Agrawal, A Ntoulas IEEE Internet Computing 14 (2), 15-23, 2010 | 108 | 2010 |
Pocketweb: instant web browsing for mobile devices D Lymberopoulos, O Riva, K Strauss, A Mittal, A Ntoulas ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 40 (1), 1-12, 2012 | 95 | 2012 |
Search personalization through query and page topical analysis S Stamou, A Ntoulas User modeling and user-adapted interaction 19, 5-33, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |
Using content analysis to detect spam web pages MA Najork, DC Fetterly, MS Manasse, A Ntoulas US Patent 7,962,510, 2011 | 86 | 2011 |
Assessing quality of user reviews P Tsaparas, Y Lu, A Ntoulas, L Polanyi US Patent 8,990,124, 2015 | 66 | 2015 |
Efficient online novelty detection in news streams M Karkali, F Rousseau, A Ntoulas, M Vazirgiannis Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2013: 14th International Conference …, 2013 | 65 | 2013 |
Modeling and managing content changes in text databases PG Ipeirotis, A Ntoulas, J Cho, L Gravano 21st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'05), 606-617, 2005 | 51 | 2005 |
Organizing user search histories H Hwang, HW Lauw, L Getoor, A Ntoulas IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 24 (5), 912-925, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Deepreduce: A sparse-tensor communication framework for federated deep learning H Xu, K Kostopoulou, A Dutta, X Li, A Ntoulas, P Kalnis Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 21150-21163, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Method and apparatus for retrieving and indexing hidden pages A Ntoulas, J Cho, P Zerfos US Patent 7,685,112, 2010 | 45 | 2010 |
Context-aware query recommendations A Ntoulas, H Hwang, LC Getoor, S Paparizos, HW Lauw US Patent App. 12/408,726, 2010 | 40 | 2010 |