The geochemistry of acid mine D Blowes, C Ptacek, J Jambor, C Weisener Environ. Geochem 9, 149, 2005 | 1164 | 2005 |
Arsenian pyrite from gold deposits; Au and As distribution investigated by SIMS and EMP, and color staining and surface oxidation by XPS and LIMS ME Fleet, SL Chryssoulis, PJ MacLean, R Davidson, CG Weisener The Canadian Mineralogist 31 (1), 1-17, 1993 | 287 | 1993 |
Partitioning of platinum-group elements and Au in the Fe− Ni− Cu− S system: Experiments on the fractional crystallization of sulfide melt ME Fleet, SL Chryssoulis, WE Stone, CG Weisener Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 115, 36-44, 1993 | 284 | 1993 |
Geochemical effects of oxidation products and framboidal pyrite oxidation in acid mine drainage prediction techniques PA Weber, WA Stewart, WM Skinner, CG Weisener, JE Thomas, ... Applied Geochemistry 19 (12), 1953-1974, 2004 | 142 | 2004 |
Nitrate assimilation, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium, and denitrification coexist in Pseudomonas putida Y-9 under aerobic conditions X Huang, CG Weisener, J Ni, B He, D Xie, Z Li Bioresource Technology 312, 123597, 2020 | 128 | 2020 |
ARD test handbook: project P387A, prediction and kinetic control of acid mine drainage R Smart, WM Skinner, G Levay, AR Gerson, JE Thomas, H Sobieraj, ... AMIRA, International Ltd, Ian Wark Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 42, 2002 | 118 | 2002 |
Kinetics and mechanisms of the leaching of low Fe sphalerite CG Weisener, R Smart, AR Gerson Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (5), 823-830, 2003 | 108 | 2003 |
A comparison of the kinetics and mechanism of acid leaching of sphalerite containing low and high concentrations of iron CG Weisener, RSC Smart, AR Gerson International Journal of Mineral Processing 74 (1-4), 239-249, 2004 | 107 | 2004 |
Cu (II) adsorption mechanism on pyrite: an XAFS and XPS study C Weisener, A Gerson Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the …, 2000 | 94 | 2000 |
An investigation of the Cu (II) adsorption mechanism on pyrite by ARXPS and SIMS C Weisener, A Gerson Minerals Engineering 13 (13), 1329-1340, 2000 | 92 | 2000 |
Geochemistry of ultramafic rocks and hornblendite veins in the Fiskenæsset layered anorthosite complex, SW Greenland: Evidence for hydrous upper mantle in the Archean A Polat, BJ Fryer, IM Samson, C Weisener, PWU Appel, R Frei, ... Precambrian Research 214, 124-153, 2012 | 87 | 2012 |
Averting an outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in a university residence hall through wastewater surveillance R Corchis-Scott, Q Geng, R Seth, R Ray, M Beg, N Biswas, L Charron, ... Microbiology Spectrum 9 (2), e00792-21, 2021 | 79 | 2021 |
Understanding biogeochemical gradients of sulfur, iron and carbon in an oil sands tailings pond S Stasik, N Loick, K Knöller, C Weisener, K Wendt-Potthoff Chemical Geology 382, 44-53, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
Field column study using zerovalent iron for mercury removal from contaminated groundwater CG Weisener, KS Sale, DJA Smyth, DW Blowes Environmental science & technology 39 (16), 6306-6312, 2005 | 63 | 2005 |
Preferential oxidation of pyrite as a function of morphology and relict texture CG Weisener, PA Weber New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 53 (2-3), 167-176, 2010 | 55 | 2010 |
Simultaneous Release of Fe and As during the Reductive Dissolution of Pb–As Jarosite by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 CM Smeaton, GE Walshe, AML Smith, KA Hudson-Edwards, WE Dubbin, ... Environmental science & technology 46 (23), 12823-12831, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Intracellular Precipitation of Pb by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 during the Reductive Dissolution of Pb-Jarosite CM Smeaton, BJ Fryer, CG Weisener Environmental science & technology 43 (21), 8086-8091, 2009 | 49 | 2009 |
Alteration of iron‐rich lacustrine sediments by dissimilatory iron‐reducing bacteria SA Crowe, JA Roberts, CG Weisener, DA Fowle Geobiology 5 (1), 63-73, 2007 | 49 | 2007 |
Microcosm assessment of the biogeochemical development of sulfur and oxygen in oil sands fluid fine tailings M Chen, G Walshe, EC Fru, JJH Ciborowski, CG Weisener Applied geochemistry 37, 1-11, 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
Water and sediment as sources of phosphate in aquatic ecosystems: The Detroit River and its role in the Laurentian Great Lakes SF Colborne, TJ Maguire, B Mayer, M Nightingale, GE Enns, AT Fisk, ... Science of the Total Environment 647, 1594-1603, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |