Takip et
Bernhard Schölkopf
Bernhard Schölkopf
Director, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems & ELLIS Institute Tübingen; Professor at ETH
tuebingen.mpg.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Learning with kernels: support vector machines, regularization, optimization, and beyond
B Schölkopf, AJ Smola
MIT press, 2002
A tutorial on support vector regression
AJ Smola, B Schölkopf
Statistics and computing 14, 199-222, 2004
Nonlinear component analysis as a kernel eigenvalue problem
B Schölkopf, A Smola, KR Müller
Neural computation 10 (5), 1299-1319, 1998
Semi-supervised learning
O Chapelle, B Schölkopf, A Zien
MIT Press, 2006
Estimating the support of a high-dimensional distribution
B Schölkopf, JC Platt, J Shawe-Taylor, AJ Smola, RC Williamson
Neural computation 13 (7), 1443-1471, 2001
Support vector machines
MA Hearst, ST Dumais, E Osuna, J Platt, B Scholkopf
IEEE Intelligent Systems and their applications 13 (4), 18-28, 1998
A kernel two-sample test
A Gretton, KM Borgwardt, MJ Rasch, B Schölkopf, A Smola
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 13 (1), 723-773, 2012
Learning with local and global consistency
D Zhou, O Bousquet, T Lal, J Weston, B Schölkopf
Advances in neural information processing systems 16, 2003
An introduction to kernel-based learning algorithms
KR Muller, S Mika, G Ratsch, K Tsuda, B Scholkopf
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 12 (2), 181-201, 2001
Advances in kernel methods: support vector learning
B Schölkopf, A Burges, C.J.C.: Smola
The MIT press, 1999
Kernel principal component analysis
B Schölkopf, A Smola, KR Müller
International conference on artificial neural networks, 583-588, 1997
Fisher discriminant analysis with kernels
S Mika, G Rätsch, J Weston, B Schölkopf, K Müller
Neural networks for signal processing IX, 1999
New support vector algorithms
B Schölkopf, AJ Smola, RC Williamson, PL Bartlett
Neural computation 12 (5), 1207-1245, 2000
Support vector method for novelty detection
B Schölkopf, RC Williamson, A Smola, J Shawe-Taylor, J Platt
Advances in neural information processing systems 12, 1999
Kernel methods in machine learning
T Hofmann, B Schölkopf, AJ Smola
Annals of Statistics 36 (3), 1171-1220, 2008
A gene expression map of Arabidopsis thaliana development
M Schmid, TS Davison, SR Henz, UJ Pape, M Demar, M Vingron, ...
Nature genetics 37 (5), 501-506, 2005
A kernel method for the two-sample-problem
A Gretton, K Borgwardt, M Rasch, B Schölkopf, A Smola
Advances in neural information processing systems 19, 2006
Elements of causal inference: foundations and learning algorithms
J Peters, D Janzing, B Schölkopf
The MIT Press, 2017
A generalized representer theorem
B Schölkopf, R Herbrich, AJ Smola
International conference on computational learning theory, 416-426, 2001
Correcting sample selection bias by unlabeled data
J Huang, A Gretton, K Borgwardt, B Schölkopf, A Smola
Advances in neural information processing systems 19, 2006
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