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Jodi Quas
Jodi Quas
Professor of Psychology and Social Behavior
uci.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
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Alıntı yapanlar
Associations between physiological reactivity and children’s behavior: Advantages of a multisystem approach
AM Bauer, JA Quas, WT Boyce
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 23 (2), 102-113, 2002
Autonomic reactivity and psychopathology in middle childhood
WT Boyce, J Quas, A Alkon, NA Smider, MJ Essex, DJ Kupfer
The British Journal of Psychiatry 179 (2), 144-150, 2001
A prospective study of memory for child sexual abuse: New findings relevant to the repressed-memory controversy
GS Goodman, S Ghetti, JA Quas, RS Edelstein, KW Alexander, ...
Psychological science 14 (2), 113-118, 2003
Emotion and memory: Children's long-term remembering, forgetting, and suggestibility
JA Quas, GS Goodman, S Bidrose, ME Pipe, S Craw, DS Ablin
Journal of experimental child psychology 72 (4), 235-270, 1999
Filial dependency and recantation of child sexual abuse allegations
LC Malloy, TD Lyon, JA Quas
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 46 (2), 162-170, 2007
Children's reactions to and memory for a stressful event: Influences of age, anatomical dolls, knowledge, and parental attachment
GS Goodman, JA Quas, JM Batterman-Faunce, MM Riddlesberger, ...
Applied Developmental Science 1 (2), 54-75, 1997
Predictors of accurate and inaccurate memories of traumatic events experienced in childhood
GS Goodman, JA Quas, JM Batterman-Faunce, MM Riddlesberger, ...
Consciousness and cognition 3 (3-4), 269-294, 1994
Adult attachment style and parental responsiveness during a stressful event
RS Edelstein, KW Alexander, PR Shaver, JM Schaaf, JA Quas, GS Lovas, ...
Attachment & human development 6 (1), 31-52, 2004
Metacognitive emotion regulation: children's awareness that changing thoughts and goals can alleviate negative emotions.
EL Davis, LJ Levine, HC Lench, JA Quas
Emotion 10 (4), 498, 2010
Traumatic impact predicts long-term memory for documented child sexual abuse
KW Alexander, JA Quas, GS Goodman, S Ghetti, RS Edelstein, ...
Psychological science 16 (1), 33-40, 2005
Child maltreatment and memory
GS Goodman, JA Quas, CM Ogle
Annual review of psychology 61 (1), 325-351, 2010
Predictors of attributions of self‐blame and internalizing behavior problems in sexually abused children
JA Quas, GS Goodman, DPH Jones
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 44 (5), 723-736, 2003
The role of attachment and cognitive inhibition in children’s memory and suggestibility for a stressful event
KW Alexander, GS Goodman, JM Schaaf, RS Edelstein, JA Quas, ...
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 83 (4), 262-290, 2002
Coaching, truth induction, and young maltreated children’s false allegations and false denials
TD Lyon, LC Malloy, JA Quas, VA Talwar
Child development 79 (4), 914-929, 2008
Do jurors “know” what isn’t so about child witnesses?
JA Quas, WC Thompson, K Alison, C Stewart
Law and Human Behavior 29, 425-456, 2005
Childhood sexual assault victims: Long-term outcomes after testifying in criminal court
JA Quas, GS Goodman, S Ghetti, KW Alexander, R Edelstein, AD Redlich, ...
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, i-139, 2005
Children's and adults’ salivary cortisol responses to an identical psychosocial laboratory stressor
IS Yim, JA Quas, L Cahill, CM Hayakawa
Psychoneuroendocrinology 35 (2), 241-248, 2010
Physiological reactivity, social support, and memory in early childhood
JA Quas, A Bauer, WT Boyce
Child development 75 (3), 797-814, 2004
Innovations for child witnesses: A national survey.
GS Goodman, JA Quas, J Bulkley, C Shapiro
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 5 (2), 255, 1999
Effects of Victim, Defendant, and Juror Gender on Decisions in Child Sexual Assault Cases1
JA Quas, BL Bottoms, TM Haegerich, KL Nysse‐Carris
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32 (10), 1993-2021, 2002
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