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Garry Kong
Garry Kong
aoni.waseda.jp üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Eye gaze direction shows a positive serial dependency
D Alais, G Kong, C Palmer, C Clifford
Journal of vision 18 (4), 11-11, 2018
Visual search within working memory.
G Kong, D Fougnie
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (10), 1688, 2019
An investigation of linear separability in visual search for color suggests a role of recognizability.
G Kong, D Alais, E Van der Burg
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42 (11 …, 2016
Object-based selection in visual working memory
Y Lin, G Kong, D Fougnie
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28, 1961-1971, 2021
Orientation categories used in guidance of attention in visual search can differ in strength
G Kong, D Alais, E Van der Burg
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79, 2246-2256, 2017
Transsaccadic integration relies on a limited memory resource
G Kong, LM Kroell, S Schneegans, D Aagten-Murphy, PM Bays
Journal of Vision 21 (5), 24-24, 2021
Competing distractors facilitate visual search in heterogeneous displays
G Kong, D Alais, E Van der Burg
PloS one 11 (8), e0160914, 2016
Working memory is corrupted by strategic changes in search templates
G Kong, J Meehan, D Fougnie
Journal of Vision 20 (8), 3-3, 2020
The basic units of working memory manipulation are Boolean maps, not objects
H Ji, K Wang, G Kong, X Zhang, W He, X Ding
Psychological science 35 (8), 887-899, 2024
How selection in the mind is different from attention to the world.
G Kong, D Fougnie
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 151 (3), 542, 2022
Transsaccadic integration operates independently in different feature dimensions
G Kong, D Aagten-Murphy, JMV McMaster, PM Bays
Journal of Vision 21 (7), 7-7, 2021
Shared visual memory resources for dynamic and static stimuli
G Kong, L Miyahara
Journal of Vision 24 (10), 560-560, 2024
Efficient Measurement of Dynamic Visual Working Memory
G Kong, I Frisken, GJ Liaw, R Keys, D Alais
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 4705-4705, 2023
Objects in Visual Working Memory are Indexed by a Single Feature
G Kong
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3245-3245, 2022
How Selection in The Mind is Different From Attention to The World (Experiment 1C replication)
G Kong
OSF, 2020
Why are dynamic Mondrian patterns unusually effective in inducing interocular suppression?
SE Han, G Kong, R Blake, D Alais
Journal of Vision 17 (10), 140-140, 2017
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