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Kiran Ramesh
Kiran Ramesh
Associate Professor in Aerodynamics, Arizona State University
asu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Discrete-vortex method with novel shedding criterion for unsteady aerofoil flows with intermittent leading-edge vortex shedding
K Ramesh, A Gopalarathnam, K Granlund, MV Ol, JR Edwards
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 751, 500-538, 2014
An unsteady airfoil theory applied to pitching motions validated against experiment and computation
K Ramesh, A Gopalarathnam, JR Edwards, MV Ol, K Granlund
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 27, 843-864, 2013
The effect of cubic stiffness nonlinearity on the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder at low Reynolds numbers
E Wang, W Xu, X Gao, L Liu, Q Xiao, K Ramesh
Ocean Engineering 173, 12-27, 2019
Leading-edge flow criticality as a governing factor in leading-edge vortex initiation in unsteady airfoil flows
K Ramesh, K Granlund, MV Ol, A Gopalarathnam, JR Edwards
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 32, 109-136, 2018
Limit-cycle oscillations in unsteady flows dominated by intermittent leading-edge vortex shedding
K Ramesh, J Murua, A Gopalarathnam
Journal of Fluids and Structures 55, 84-105, 2015
Unsteady lift on a high-amplitude pitching aerofoil
S Ōtomo, S Henne, K Mulleners, K Ramesh, IM Viola
Experiments in Fluids 62, 1-18, 2021
Augmentation of inviscid airfoil theory to predict and model 2D unsteady vortex dominated flows
KK Ramesh, A Gopalarathnam, M Ol, K Granlund, J Edwards
41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 3578, 2011
On the leading-edge suction and stagnation-point location in unsteady flows past thin aerofoils
K Ramesh
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 886, A13, 2020
Model reduction in discrete-vortex methods for unsteady airfoil flows
AV SureshBabu, K Ramesh, A Gopalarathnam
AIAA Journal 57 (4), 1409-1422, 2019
On the nonlinear dynamics of self-sustained limit-cycle oscillations in a flapping-foil energy harvester
E Wang, K Ramesh, S Killen, IM Viola
Journal of Fluids and Structures 83, 339-357, 2018
Theoretical, computational and experimental studies of a flat plate undergoing high-amplitude pitching motion
K Ramesh, A Gopalarathnam, J Edwards, M Ol, K Granlund
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2011
Large eddy simulation of high-speed, premixed ethylene combustion
KK Ramesh, JR Edwards, CP Goyne, JC McDaniel
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0356, 2015
Effect of airfoil shape and Reynolds number on leading edge vortex shedding in unsteady flows
K Ramesh, J Ke, A Gopalarathnam, J Edwards
30th AIAA applied aerodynamics conference, 3025, 2012
Unsteady lifting-line theory and the influence of wake vorticity on aerodynamic loads
HJA Bird, K Ramesh
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 35 (5), 609-631, 2021
A geometrically non-linear time-domain unsteady lifting-line theory
HJ Bird, S Otomo, KK Ramesh, IM Viola
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1377, 2019
Theoretical and computational studies of a rectangular finite wing oscillating in pitch and heave
H Bird, K Ramesh
Usefulness of inviscid linear unsteady lifting-line theory for viscous large-amplitude problems
HJA Bird, K Ramesh, S Ōtomo, I Maria Viola
AIAA Journal 60 (2), 598-609, 2022
Theoretical modeling of leading edge vortices using the leading edge suction parameter
KK Ramesh, A Gopalarathnam, K Granlund, M Ol, J Edwards
30th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 3027, 2012
Theoretical analysis of perching and hovering maneuvers
KK Ramesh, A Gopalarathnam, JR Edwards, KO Granlund, MV Ol
31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 3194, 2013
Leading edge vortex formation on finite wings using vortex particles
HJ Bird, KK Ramesh, S Otomo, IM Viola
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 1196, 2021
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