Takip et
Mohammad Shojafar
Mohammad Shojafar
Associate Professor, University of Surrey, EU Marie Curie Alumni, ACM Distinguished Speaker
surrey.ac.uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Convergence of blockchain and artificial intelligence in IoT network for the sustainable smart city
S Singh, PK Sharma, B Yoon, M Shojafar, GH Cho, IH Ra
Sustainable cities and society 63, 102364, 2020
Survey of main challenges (security and privacy) in wireless body area networks for healthcare applications
S Al-Janabi, I Al-Shourbaji, M Shojafar, S Shamshirband
Egyptian informatics journal 18 (2), 113-122, 2017
Fog of everything: Energy-efficient networked computing architectures, research challenges, and a case study
E Baccarelli, PGV Naranjo, M Scarpiniti, M Shojafar, JH Abawajy
IEEE access 5, 9882-9910, 2017
Energy-efficient adaptive resource management for real-time vehicular cloud services
M Shojafar, N Cordeschi, E Baccarelli
IEEE Transactions on Cloud computing 7 (1), 196-209, 2016
P-SEP: A prolong stable election routing algorithm for energy-limited heterogeneous fog-supported wireless sensor networks
PGV Naranjo, M Shojafar, H Mostafaei, Z Pooranian, E Baccarelli
The Journal of Supercomputing 73, 733-755, 2017
FOCAN: A Fog-supported smart city network architecture for management of applications in the Internet of Everything environments
PGV Naranjo, Z Pooranian, M Shojafar, M Conti, R Buyya
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 132, 274-283, 2019
Computational intelligence approaches for energy load forecasting in smart energy management grids: state of the art, future challenges, and research directions
SN Fallah, RC Deo, M Shojafar, M Conti, S Shamshirband
Energies 11 (3), 596, 2018
Energy-efficient dynamic traffic offloading and reconfiguration of networked data centers for big data stream mobile computing: review, challenges, and a case study
E Baccarelli, N Cordeschi, A Mei, M Panella, M Shojafar, J Stefa
IEEE network 30 (2), 54-61, 2016
Joint energy efficient and QoS-aware path allocation and VNF placement for service function chaining
MM Tajiki, S Salsano, L Chiaraviglio, M Shojafar, B Akbari
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 16 (1), 374-388, 2018
FUGE: A joint meta-heuristic approach to cloud job scheduling algorithm using fuzzy theory and a genetic method
M Shojafar, S Javanmardi, S Abolfazli, N Cordeschi
Cluster Computing 18, 829-844, 2015
Similarity-based Android malware detection using Hamming distance of static binary features
R Taheri, M Ghahramani, R Javidan, M Shojafar, Z Pooranian, M Conti
Future Generation Computer Systems 105, 230-247, 2020
FED-IIoT: A robust federated malware detection architecture in industrial IoT
R Taheri, M Shojafar, M Alazab, R Tafazolli
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 17 (12), 8442-8452, 2020
LACO: Lightweight three-factor authentication, access control and ownership transfer scheme for e-health systems in IoT
SF Aghili, H Mala, M Shojafar, P Peris-Lopez
future generation computer systems 96, 410-424, 2019
Intelligent reflecting surface assisted mobile edge computing for Internet of Things
Z Chu, P Xiao, M Shojafar, D Mi, J Mao, W Hao
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (3), 619-623, 2020
A job scheduling algorithm for delay and performance optimization in fog computing
B Jamil, M Shojafar, I Ahmed, A Ullah, K Munir, H Ijaz
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (7), e5581, 2020
Resource allocation and task scheduling in fog computing and internet of everything environments: A taxonomy, review, and future directions
B Jamil, H Ijaz, M Shojafar, K Munir, R Buyya
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (11s), 1-38, 2022
Hybrid job scheduling algorithm for cloud computing environment
S Javanmardi, M Shojafar, D Amendola, N Cordeschi, H Liu, A Abraham
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on innovations in bio …, 2014
HDMA: Hybrid D2D message authentication scheme for 5G-enabled VANETs
P Wang, CM Chen, S Kumari, M Shojafar, R Tafazolli, YN Liu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (8), 5071-5080, 2020
Deadline-aware and energy-efficient IoT task scheduling in fog computing systems: A semi-greedy approach
S Azizi, M Shojafar, J Abawajy, R Buyya
Journal of network and computer applications 201, 103333, 2022
Fr trust: a fuzzy reputation–based model for trust management in semantic p2p grids
S Javanmardi, M Shojafar, S Shariatmadari, SS Ahrabi
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 6 (1), 57-66, 2015
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