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Adam Isen
Adam Isen
jhu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Every Breath You Take—Every Dollar You’ll Make: The Long-Term Consequences of the Clean Air Act of 1970
A Isen, M Rossin-Slater, WR Walker
Journal of Political Economy, 2017
Women's education and family behavior
A Isen, B Stevenson
CESifo, 2010
Children's schooling and parents' behavior: Evidence from the Head Start Impact Study
A Gelber, A Isen
Journal of public Economics 101, 25-38, 2013
The effects of high-skilled immigration policy on firms: Evidence from visa lotteries
KB Doran, A Gelber, A Isen
Journal of Political Economy, 2022
The effects of youth employment: Evidence from New York City lotteries
A Gelber, A Isen, JB Kessler
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 131 (1), 423-460, 2016
Relationship between season of birth, temperature exposure, and later life wellbeing
A Isen, M Rossin-Slater, R Walker
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (51), 13447-13452, 2017
Do local government fiscal spillovers exist? Evidence from counties, municipalities, and school districts
A Isen
Journal of Public Economics 110, 57-73, 2014
Parental resources and college attendance: Evidence from lottery wins
G Bulman, R Fairlie, S Goodman, A Isen
American Economic Review 111 (4), 1201-1240, 2021
The effect of pension income on elderly earnings: Evidence from social security and full population data
AM Gelber, A Isen, J Song
NBER Working paper, 2016
A day late and a dollar short: Liquidity and household formation among student borrowers
S Goodman, A Isen, C Yannelis
Journal of Financial Economics 142 (3), 1301-1323, 2021
Boosting the earned income tax credit for singles: Final impact findings from the paycheck plus demonstration in New York City
C Miller, LF Katz, G Azurdia, A Isen, CB Schultz, K Aloisi
New York: MDRC, 2018
Dying to Know: Are Workers Paid Their Marginal Product?
A Isen
University of Pennsylvania working paper, 2013
Army service in the all-volunteer era
K Greenberg, M Gudgeon, A Isen, C Miller, R Patterson
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 137 (4), 2363-2418, 2022
The effects of youth employment on crime: Evidence from New York City lotteries
JB Kessler, S Tahamont, A Gelber, A Isen
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 41 (3), 710-730, 2022
The Role of Social Security Benefits in the Initial Increase of Older Womens Employment
A Gelber, A Isen, J Song
Women Working Longer: Increased Employment at Older Ages, 239-268, 2018
Expanding the earned income tax credit for workers without dependent children: Interim findings from the paycheck plus demonstration in new york city
C Miller, LF Katz, G Azurdia, A Isen, CB Schultz
New York: MDRC, September, 2017
Income responses to the affordable care act: Evidence from a premium tax credit notch
BT Heim, G Hunter, A Isen, IZ Lurie, SP Ramnath
Journal of Health Economics 76, 102396, 2021
Un-fortunate sons: Effects of the vietnam draft lottery on the next generation’s labor market
S Goodman, A Isen
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 12 (1), 182-209, 2020
The bonus-income donation norm
M Drouvelis, A Isen, BM Marx
Proceedings. Annual Conference on Taxation and Minutes of the Annual Meeting …, 2019
The effect of high-skilled immigration policy on firms: Evidence from H-1B visa lotteries
K Doran, A Gelber, A Isen
NBER Working Paper No 20668, 2015
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