Takip et
Anabela Simões
Anabela Simões
Professora Catedratica na Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Manual for designing, implementing, and evaluating road safety communication campaigns: Part I
P Delhomme, W De Dobbeleer, S Forward, A Simões
Brussels: Belgian Road Safety Institute, 2009
Portugal: Uma análise rápida do impacto da COVID-19 na economia e no mercado de trabalho
RP Mamede, M Pereira, A Simões
Organização Internacional do Trabalho, 1-26, 2020
Effects on driving task and road safety impact induced by the usage of adaptive cruise control (ACC): a focus groups study
GF Piccinini, A Simões, CM Rodrigues
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 1 (N. 1), 234-253, 2012
Gender and Age-Related Differences in the Perception of in-Vehicle Mobile Phone Usage Among Portuguese Drivers
AL Ferreira, G Piccinini, S Rôla, A Simoes
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 7, 223-229, 2013
Manual for Designing
P Delhomme, W De Dobbeleer, S Forward, A Simões, G Adamos, A Areal, ...
Implementing, and Evaluating Road Safety Communication Campaigns …, 2009
Simultaneous Interaction with In-Vehicle Systems while Turning Left: Comparison among three groups of drivers
A Pereira, M., Hamama, H., Dapzol, N., Bruyas, M-P
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 3 (Issue 4), 369-378, 2009
Hospitalizations by the Brazilian Health System due to traffic accidents
CI de CAMPOS, MNPV Romão, ACP Ferraz, AAR Junior, A Simões
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 162, 282-289, 2014
Are elderly drivers more at risk when interacting with more than one in-vehicle system simultaneously?
A Pereira, M., Bruyas, M-P., Simões
Le Travail Humain 73 (N. 1), 53-73, 2010
Road user model and persuasion technique: Final version
P Ulleberg, T Vaa, K Ausserer, G Carstensen, S Forward, B Krol, ...
A focus group approach towards an understanding of drivers’ interaction with in-vehicle technologies
V Pereira, M., Simoes, A., Lancelle, V., Bruyas, M.P
European Conference on Human Interface Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, 2010
Assessing driver’s mental representation of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and its possible effects on behavioural adaptations
M Piccinini, G.F., Simões, A., Rodrigues, C.M
Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation 41, 4396-4401, 2012
Mobility-impaired travellers and public transport: a framework to assess quality of service
A Simões
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 14 (Issue 3), 247-257, 2011
A method to investigate drivers’ acceptance of Blind Spot Detection System
GF Piccinini, A Simões, M Rodrigues, C.M. and Leitão
Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation 41, 4396-4401, 2012
Transversal Perspectives on Human-Machine Interaction: The effect of age in human-machine systems
A Simões, M Pereira, M. & Panou
The Handbook of Human-Machine Interaction, 2011
A holistic approach to inclusive mobility under resilience and sustainability goals: a pilot project in Brazil
M Romao, A Simoes
Advances in Industrial Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2020 Virtual …, 2020
Training in Traffic Safety Culture Based on Risk Factor Analysis for Urban Road Accident Prevention: Case Study Rio Verde–Goiás-Brazil
M Romão, P Do Vale, GR De Sousa, A Simoes
Safety Management and Human Factors 64 (64), 2022
Transversal Perspectives on Human-Machine Interaction: The Effect of Age in Human-Machine
A dos Santos Simões, M Pereira, M Panou
The Handbook of Human-Machine Interaction: A Human-Centered Design Approach, 2017
Analysis of road accident rates following performed actions associated to engineering, education and enforcement: Araraquara, Franca, Matão, Ribeirão Preto and São Carlos
FH Hirose, ACP Ferraz, MNPV Romão, ASA Simões
17th International Conference Road Safety On Five Continents (RS5C 2016 …, 2016
Identified risk factors as the basis for the design of road safety campaigns
M Romão, AC Ferraz, A Simões
17th International Conference Road Safety On Five Continents (RS5C 2016 …, 2016
Designing a Mobile-based Banking Service: The MOBSERV Project
A Simoes, S Guerreiro, A Ferreira, S Rôla, G Freire
Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering, Chapter 10, 2012
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