Takip et
Zhen-Hua Ge
Zhen-Hua Ge
Kunming University of Science and Technology
kmust.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Low-cost, abundant binary sulfides as promising thermoelectric materials
ZH Ge, LD Zhao, D Wu, X Liu, BP Zhang, JF Li, J He
Materials Today 19 (4), 227-239, 2016
Lattice plainification advances highly effective SnSe crystalline thermoelectrics
D Liu, D Wang, T Hong, Z Wang, Y Wang, Y Qin, L Su, T Yang, X Gao, ...
Science 380 (6647), 841-846, 2023
Understanding of the Extremely Low Thermal Conductivity in High Performance Polycrystalline SnSe through Potassium Doping
DFJQH Y.-X. Chen, Z.-H. Ge , M. Yin
Adv. Func. Mater 26, 6836-6845, 2016
Synthesis and transport property of Cu 1.8 S as a promising thermoelectric compound
ZH Ge, BP Zhang, YX Chen, ZX Yu, Y Liu, JF Li
Chemical Communications 47 (47), 12697-12699, 2011
ZnO/carbon quantum dots heterostructure with enhanced photocatalytic properties
Y Li, BP Zhang, JX Zhao, ZH Ge, XK Zhao, L Zou
Applied Surface Science 279, 367-373, 2013
Boosting the thermoelectric performance of (Na, K)-codoped polycrystalline SnSe by synergistic tailoring of the band structure and atomic-scale defect phonon scattering
ZH Ge, D Song, X Chong, F Zheng, L Jin, X Qian, L Zheng, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (28), 9714-9720, 2017
Realizing high-efficiency power generation in low-cost PbS-based thermoelectric materials
B Jiang, X Liu, Q Wang, J Cui, B Jia, Y Zhu, J Feng, Y Qiu, M Gu, Z Ge, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (2), 579-591, 2020
High‐performance thermoelectricity in nanostructured earth‐abundant copper sulfides bulk materials
ZH Ge, X Liu, D Feng, J Lin, J He
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (16), 1600607, 2016
Enhanced mid-temperature thermoelectric performance of textured SnSe polycrystals made of solvothermally synthesized powders
Y Li, F Li, J Dong, Z Ge, F Kang, J He, H Du, B Li, JF Li
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (10), 2047-2055, 2016
Highly Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of Bi/Bi2S3 Nanocomposites
ZH Ge, P Qin, DS He, X Chong, D Feng, YH Ji, J Feng, J He
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (5), 4828-4834, 2017
Advanced electron microscopy for thermoelectric materials
H Wu, F Zheng, D Wu, ZH Ge, X Liu, J He
Nano Energy 13, 626-650, 2015
Multipoint defect synergy realizing the excellent thermoelectric performance of n‐type polycrystalline SnSe via Re doping
ZH Ge, Y Qiu, YX Chen, X Chong, J Feng, ZK Liu, J He
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (28), 1902893, 2019
Enhanced thermoelectric properties of bismuth telluride bulk achieved by telluride-spilling during the spark plasma sintering process
ZH Ge, YH Ji, Y Qiu, X Chong, J Feng, J He
Scripta materialia 143, 90-93, 2018
Thermoelectric properties of Ag-doped bismuth sulfide polycrystals prepared by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
YQ Yu, BP Zhang, ZH Ge, PP Shang, YX Chen
Materials Chemistry and Physics 131 (1-2), 216-222, 2011
Grid-plainification enables medium-temperature PbSe thermoelectrics to cool better than Bi2Te3
Y Qin, B Qin, T Hong, X Zhang, D Wang, D Liu, ZY Wang, L Su, S Wang, ...
Science 383 (6688), 1204-1209, 2024
Simultaneous enhancement of thermoelectric performance and mechanical properties in Bi2Te3 via Ru compositing
YK Zhu, J Guo, L Chen, SW Gu, YX Zhang, Q Shan, J Feng, ZH Ge
Chemical Engineering Journal 407, 126407, 2021
Control of anisotropic electrical transport property of Bi2S3 thermoelectric polycrystals
ZH Ge, BP Zhang, PP Shang, JF Li
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (25), 9194-9200, 2011
Thermoelectric Cu12Sb4S13‐Based Synthetic Minerals with a Sublimation‐Derived Porous Network
H Hu, HL Zhuang, Y Jiang, J Shi, JW Li, B Cai, Z Han, J Pei, B Su, ZH Ge, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (43), 2103633, 2021
Mechanochemically synthesized sub-5 nm sized CuS quantum dots with high visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity
S Li, ZH Ge, BP Zhang, Y Yao, HC Wang, J Yang, Y Li, C Gao, YH Lin
Applied Surface Science 384, 272-278, 2016
High thermoelectric efficiency realized in SnSe crystals via structural modulation
B Qin, D Wang, T Hong, Y Wang, D Liu, Z Wang, X Gao, ZH Ge, LD Zhao
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1366, 2023
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