Takip et
Rajeev Srivastava
Rajeev Srivastava
National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning, Nagpur
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Soils of India: historical perspective, classification and recent advances
T Bhattacharyya, DK Pal, C Mandal, P Chandran, SK Ray, D Sarkar, ...
Current Science 104 (10), 1308-1323, 2013
A comparative assessment of land suitability evaluation methods for agricultural land use planning at village level
D Vasu, R Srivastava, NG Patil, P Tiwary, P Chandran, SK Singh
Land Use Policy 79, 146-163, 2018
IRS-1C data application in watershed characterization and management
RK Saxena, KS Verma, GR Chary, R Srivastava, AK Barthwal
International journal of Remote sensing 21 (17), 3197-3208, 2000
Technique of large-scale soil mapping in basaltic terrain using satellite remote sensing data
R Srivastava, RK Saxena
International Journal of Remote Sensing 25 (4), 679-688, 2004
Hyperspectral remote sensing: opportunities, status and challenges for rapid soil assessment in India
BS Das, MC Sarathjith, P Santra, RN Sahoo, R Srivastava, A Routray, ...
Current Science 108 (5), 860-868, 2015
Soil and land quality indicators of the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India
SK Ray, T Bhattacharyya, KR Reddy, DK Pal, P Chandran, P Tiwary, ...
Current Science 107 (9), 1470-1486, 2014
Morphometric analysis in basaltic Terrain of Central India using GIS techniques: a case study
N Sahu, GPO Reddy, N Kumar, MSS Nagaraju, R Srivastava, SK Singh
Applied Water Science, 2016
Visible-near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for rapid characterization of salt-affected soil in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of Haryana, India
R Srivastava, M Sethi, RK Yadav, DS Bundela, M Singh, S Chattaraj, ...
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 45, 307-315, 2017
Revisiting agro-ecological sub-regions of India–a case study of two major food production zones
C Mandal, DK Mandal, T Bhattacharyya, D Sarkar, DK Pal, J Prasad, ...
Current Science 107 (9), 1519-1536, 2014
Application of remote sensing and GIS in watershed characterization and management
PC Solanke, R Srivastava, J Prasad
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 33, 239-244, 2005
Characteristics and classification of some orange growing soils in Nagpur district of Maharashtra
J Prasad, MSS Nagaraju, R Srivastava, SK Ray, P Chandran
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 49 (4), 735-739, 2001
Development of hyperspectral model for rapid monitoring of soil organic carbon under precision farming in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of Punjab, India
R Srivastava, D Sarkar, SS Mukhopadhayay, A Sood, M Singh, RA Nasre, ...
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2015
Characterization, classification and evaluation of soils of Karanji watershed, Yavatmal district of Maharashtra for land resource management using geospatial technologies
RA Nasre, MSS Nagaraju, R Srivastava, AK Maji, AK Barthwal
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 61 (4), 275-286, 2013
Impact of management levels and land-use changes on soil properties in rice–wheat cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains
GS Sidhu, T Bhattacharyya, D Sarkar, SK Ray, P Chandran, DK Pal, ...
Current Science, 1487-1501, 2014
Use of Remote Sensing in Characterization and Management of Dhamni Micro-watershed of Chandrapur District of Maharashtra
EA Shukla, J Prasad, MSS Nagaraju, R Srivastava, DL Kauraw
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 37, 129-137, 2009
Soil loss mapping for sustainable development and management of land resources in Warora Tehsil of Chandrapur District of Maharashtra: an integrated approach using remote …
MSS Nagaraju, GP Obi Reddy, AK Maji, R Srivastava, P Raja, ...
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 39, 51-61, 2011
Classification of saline-sodic Vertisols in the coastal plains of Gujarat
T Bhattacharyya, R Srivastava, JP Sharma, JL Sehgal
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 42 (2), 306-309, 1994
Development of soil and terrain digital database for major food-growing regions of India for resource planning
P Chandran, P Tiwary, T Bhattacharyya, C Mandal, J Prasad, SK Ray, ...
Current Science 107 (9), 1420-1430, 2014
Pedotransfer functions: a tool for estimating hydraulic properties of two major soil types of India
P Tiwary, NG Patil, T Bhattacharyya, P Chandran, SK Ray, K Karthikeyan, ...
Current Science 107 (9), 1431-1439, 2014
Characterization and evaluation of land resources in Khapri village of Nagpur district, Maharashtra using high resolution satellite data and GIS
SA Ardak, MSS Nagaraju, J Prasad, R Srivastava, AK Barthwal
Agropedology 20 (1), 7-18, 2010
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