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Steve Barbeaux
Steve Barbeaux
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
noaa.gov üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Assessment of the walleye pollock stock in the Eastern Bering Sea
JN Ianelli, S Barbeaux, T Honkalehto, S Kotwicki, K Aydin, N Williamson
Stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the groundfish resources …, 2008
Ecosystem response persists after a prolonged marine heatwave
RM Suryan, ML Arimitsu, HA Coletti, RR Hopcroft, MR Lindeberg, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 6235, 2021
Marine heatwave stress test of ecosystem-based fisheries management in the Gulf of Alaska Pacific cod fishery
SJ Barbeaux, K Holsman, S Zador
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 703, 2020
Assessment of the walleye pollock stock in the Gulf of Alaska
M Dorn, K Aydin, B Fissel, D Jones, A McCarthy, W Palsson, K Spalinger
Effects of climate variations on pelagic ocean habitats and their role in structuring forage fish distributions in the Bering Sea
AB Hollowed, SJ Barbeaux, ED Cokelet, E Farley, S Kotwicki, PH Ressler, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 65, 230-250, 2012
Geographic patterns in the demersal ichthyofauna of the Aleutian Islands
EA Logerwell, K Aydin, S Barbeaux, E Brown, ME Conners, S Lowe, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 14, 93-112, 2005
Ontogeny matters: climate variability and effects on fish distribution in the eastern Bering Sea
SJ Barbeaux, AB Hollowed
Fisheries Oceanography 27 (1), 1-15, 2018
Eastern Bering Sea walleye pollock stock assessment
JN Ianelli, S Barbeaux, G Walters, N Williamson
Stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the groundfish resources …, 2003
The frequency and quantity of Alaskan groundfish catcher-vessel landings made with and without an observer
CH Faunce, SJ Barbeaux
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (8), 1757-1763, 2011
How “The Blob” affected groundfish distributions in the Gulf of Alaska
Q Yang, ED Cokelet, PJ Stabeno, L Li, AB Hollowed, WA Palsson, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 28 (4), 434-453, 2019
Assessment of walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska
M Dorn, S Barbeaux, M Guttormsen, B Megrey, A Hollowed, M Wilkins, ...
Stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the groundfish resources …, 2003
Assessment of the Pacific cod stock in the Gulf of Alaska
S Barbeaux, K Aydin, B Fissel, K Holsman, B Laurel, W Palsson, ...
Assessment of Alaska pollock stock in the eastern Bering Sea
JN Ianelli, S Barbeaux, T Honkalehto, S Kotwicki, K Aydin, N Williamson
Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources …, 2005
Assessment of Alaska pollock stock in the eastern Bering Sea. Section 1 in Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources of the Bering Sea …
JN Ianelli, S Barbeaux, T Honkalehto, B Lauth, N Williamson
Future ocean observations to connect climate, fisheries and marine ecosystems
JO Schmidt, SJ Bograd, H Arrizabalaga, JL Azevedo, SJ Barbeaux, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 550, 2019
Subregional differences in groundfish distributional responses to anomalous ocean bottom temperatures in the northeast Pacific
L Li, AB Hollowed, ED Cokelet, SJ Barbeaux, NA Bond, AA Keller, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (8), 2560-2575, 2019
Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands walleye pollock assessment for 2002
JN Ianelli
Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for Groundfish Resources of …, 2001
Estimating fine‐scale movement rates and habitat preferences using multiple data sources
JT Thorson, SJ Barbeaux, DR Goethel, KA Kearney, EA Laman, ...
Fish and Fisheries 22 (6), 1359-1376, 2021
Characterizing walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) winter distribution from opportunistic acoustic data
SJ Barbeaux, JK Horne, MW Dorn
ICES Journal of Marine Science 70 (6), 1162-1173, 2013
Assessment of the walleye pollock stock in the Eastern Bering Sea, Section I
JN Ianelli, S Barbeaux, T Honkalehto, S Kotwicki, K Aydin, N Williamson
Stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the groundfish resources …, 2009
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