Takip et
Kumaravel S
Kumaravel S
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut
nitc.ac.in üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Performance improvement of solar PV array topologies during various partial shading conditions
DP Winston, S Kumaravel, BP Kumar, S Devakirubakaran
Solar Energy 196, 228-242, 2020
High step-up gain DC–DC converter with switched capacitor and regenerative boost configuration for solar PV applications
V Karthikeyan, S Kumaravel, G Gurukumar
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 66 (12), 2022-2026, 2019
Non-Isolated n-Stage High Step-up DC-DC Converter for Low Voltage DC Source Integration
T Shanthi, SU Prabha, K Sundaramoorthy
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (3), 1625-1634, 2021
An optimal stand-alone biomass/solar-PV/pico-hydel hybrid energy system for remote rural area electrification of isolated village in Western-Ghats region of India
S Kumaravel, S Ashok
International journal of green energy 9 (5), 398-408, 2012
Switched capacitor–inductor network based ultra-gain DC–DC converter using single switch
GG Kumar, K Sundaramoorthy, V Karthikeyan, E Babaei
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (12), 10274-10283, 2020
A non-isolated bridge-type DC–DC converter for hybrid energy source integration
S Athikkal, GG Kumar, K Sundaramoorthy, A Sankar
IEEE Transactions on industry applications 55 (4), 4033-4043, 2019
Family of non-isolated quadratic high gain DC–DC converters based on extended capacitor-diode network for renewable energy source integration
S Gopinathan, VS Rao, K Sundaramoorthy
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 10 (5 …, 2022
Dual input superboost DC–DC converter for solar powered electric vehicle
G Guru Kumar, K Sundaramoorthy, S Athikkal, V Karthikeyan
IET Power Electronics 12 (9), 2276-2284, 2019
Performance analysis of novel bridge type dual input DC-DC converters
S Athikkal, GG Kumar, K Sundaramoorthy, A Sankar
IEEE Access 5, 15340-15353, 2017
Dual input–dual output DC–DC converter for solar PV/battery/ultra‐capacitor powered electric vehicle application
S Kumaravel, R Achathuparambil Narayanankutty, VS Rao, A Sankar
IET Power Electronics 12 (13), 3351-3358, 2019
Optimization of biohydrogen production by Enterobacter species using artificial neural network and response surface methodology
P Karthic, S Joseph, N Arun, S Kumaravel
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5 (3), 2013
Optimal location identification for aggregated charging of electric vehicles in solar photovoltaic powered microgrids with reduced distribution losses
K Gupta, R Achathuparambil Narayanankutty, K Sundaramoorthy, ...
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 46 …, 2024
Performance analysis of voltage multiplier coupled cascaded boost converter with solar PV integration for DC microgrid application
VS Rao, K Sundaramoorthy
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 59 (1), 1013-1023, 2022
Multi-stage DC-DC converter using active LC2D network with minimum component
GG Kumar, MVS Krishna, S Kumaravel, E Babaei
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 68 (3), 943-947, 2020
Fuzzy controller-based self-adaptive virtual synchronous machine for microgrid application
V Thomas, S Kumaravel, S Ashok
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (3), 2427-2437, 2021
Optimal power management controller for a stand-alone solar PV/wind/battery hybrid energy system
S Kumaravel, S Ashok
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 37 …, 2015
Control of parallel DC-DC converters in a DC microgrid using virtual output impedance method
V Thomas, S Kumaravel, S Ashok
2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics …, 2016
Design and analysis of a dual input DC-DC converter for hybrid electric vehicle
A Sivaprasad, J Joseph, S Kumaravel, S Ashok
2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics …, 2015
Reduced switch voltage stress ultra-gain DC-DC converter for high voltage low power applications
S Kumaravel, PE Babu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 69 (3), 1277-1281, 2021
Development and performance analysis of dual‐input DC–DC converters for DC microgrid application
S Athikkal, K Sundaramoorthy, A Sankar
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 13 (7), 1034-1043, 2018
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