Cervical cancer classification using convolutional neural networks and extreme learning machines A Ghoneim, G Muhammad, MS Hossain Future Generation Computer Systems 102, 643-649, 2020 | 311 | 2020 |
Energy efficient task caching and offloading for mobile edge computing Y Hao, M Chen, L Hu, MS Hossain, A Ghoneim Ieee access 6, 11365-11373, 2018 | 308 | 2018 |
Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on planned cancer surgery for 15 tumour types in 61 countries: an international, prospective, cohort study J Glasbey, A Ademuyiwa, A Adisa, E AlAmeer, AP Arnaud, F Ayasra, ... The Lancet Oncology 22 (11), 1507-1517, 2021 | 284 | 2021 |
A lightweight and robust secure key establishment protocol for internet of medical things in COVID-19 patients care M Masud, GS Gaba, S Alqahtani, G Muhammad, BB Gupta, P Kumar, ... IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (21), 15694-15703, 2020 | 244 | 2020 |
Machine learning for assisting cervical cancer diagnosis: An ensemble approach J Lu, E Song, A Ghoneim, M Alrashoud Future Generation Computer Systems 106, 199-205, 2020 | 224 | 2020 |
Intelligent task prediction and computation offloading based on mobile-edge cloud computing Y Miao, G Wu, M Li, A Ghoneim, M Al-Rakhami, MS Hossain Future Generation Computer Systems 102, 925-931, 2020 | 173 | 2020 |
Edge-CoCaCo: Toward joint optimization of computation, caching, and communication on edge cloud M Chen, Y Hao, L Hu, MS Hossain, A Ghoneim IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (3), 21-27, 2018 | 170 | 2018 |
A facial-expression monitoring system for improved healthcare in smart cities G Muhammad, M Alsulaiman, SU Amin, A Ghoneim, MF Alhamid IEEE Access 5, 10871-10881, 2017 | 154 | 2017 |
Medical image forgery detection for smart healthcare A Ghoneim, G Muhammad, SU Amin, B Gupta IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (4), 33-37, 2018 | 153 | 2018 |
From the service-oriented architecture to the web API economy W Tan, Y Fan, A Ghoneim, MA Hossain, S Dustdar IEEE Internet Computing 20 (4), 64-68, 2016 | 150 | 2016 |
Software defined healthcare networks L Hu, M Qiu, J Song, MS Hossain, A Ghoneim IEEE Wireless Communications 22 (6), 67-75, 2015 | 147 | 2015 |
Secure quantum steganography protocol for fog cloud internet of things AA Abd El-Latif, B Abd-El-Atty, MS Hossain, S Elmougy, A Ghoneim IEEE access 6, 10332-10340, 2018 | 133 | 2018 |
An efficient spam detection technique for IoT devices using machine learning A Makkar, S Garg, N Kumar, MS Hossain, A Ghoneim, M Alrashoud IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (2), 903-912, 2020 | 130 | 2020 |
A triaxial accelerometer-based human activity recognition via EEMD-based features and game-theory-based feature selection Z Wang, D Wu, J Chen, A Ghoneim, MA Hossain IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (9), 3198-3207, 2016 | 116 | 2016 |
Energy-aware green adversary model for cyberphysical security in industrial system AK Sangaiah, DV Medhane, GB Bian, A Ghoneim, M Alrashoud, ... IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (5), 3322-3329, 2019 | 108 | 2019 |
Big data-driven service composition using parallel clustered particle swarm optimization in mobile environment MS Hossain, M Moniruzzaman, G Muhammad, A Ghoneim, A Alamri IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 9 (5), 806-817, 2016 | 96 | 2016 |
Deep relative attributes X Yang, T Zhang, C Xu, S Yan, MS Hossain, A Ghoneim IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 18 (9), 1832-1842, 2016 | 96 | 2016 |
Localization based on social big data analysis in the vehicular networks K Lin, J Luo, L Hu, MS Hossain, A Ghoneim IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (4), 1932-1940, 2016 | 91 | 2016 |
Recurrent convolutional neural network based multimodal disease risk prediction Y Hao, M Usama, J Yang, MS Hossain, A Ghoneim Future Generation Computer Systems 92, 76-83, 2019 | 85 | 2019 |
Exploring the use of artificial intelligence techniques to detect the presence of coronavirus covid-19 through speech and voice analysis L Verde, G De Pietro, A Ghoneim, M Alrashoud, KN Al-Mutib, G Sannino Ieee Access 9, 65750-65757, 2021 | 83 | 2021 |