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Beatrice Kogg
Beatrice Kogg
Ph.D. Assistand Professor, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University
iiiee.lu.se üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Environmental and social responsibility in supply chains: The practise of choice and inter-organisational management
B Kogg, O Mont
Ecological economics 83, 154-163, 2012
Service transformation—managing a shift from business travel to virtual meetings
P Arnfalk, B Kogg
Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (8), 859-872, 2003
Greening a cotton-textile supply chain: a case study of the transition towards organic production without a powerful focal company
B Kogg
Greener management international, 53-64, 2003
Power and incentives in environmental supply chain management
B Kogg
Strategy and organization in supply chains, 65-81, 2003
Responsibility in the Supply Chain: Interorganisational management of environmental and social aspects in the supply chain-Case studies from the textile sector
B Kogg
IIIEE Dissertations, 2009
Prevention of textile waste
N Tojo, B Kogg, N Kiørboe, B Kjær, K Aalto
Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, 2012
Sustainability governance service providers: the role of third-party product certification in facilitating corporate life cycle management
O Chkanikova, B Kogg
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23, 1383-1395, 2018
Chemicals in products: An overview of systems for providing information regarding chemicals in products and of stakeholders’ needs for such information
B Kogg
Sustainability landscape of Swedish food retailers in the European context
O Chkanikova, M Klintman, B Kogg, M Lehner, O Mont, N Nebelius, ...
International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University, 2013
Sustainable buisinesses practices in supply chains: experiences from Swedish companies
O Mont, B Kogg, C Leire
Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation: 14th European …, 2010
Who creates the market for green products?
C Dalhammar, B Kogg, O Mont
Proceedings for Sustainable Innovation, October, 27-28, 2003
Optimal meetings: Realising the environmental and economic promise of virtual business meetings. A case study of Telia Research AB
B Kogg
[Publisher information missing], 2000
Av vem skapas marknaden för miljöanpassade produkter?
T Emtairah, N Jacobsson, B Kogg, T Lindhqvist, J Lissinger, O Mont
Naturvårdsverket, 2002
Optimal Meetings: Realising the environmental and economic promise of virtual business meetings
B Kogg
A case study of Telia Research AB, 2000
Greening food supply chains: Analyzing the potential role of retailers in triggering/ensuring environmentally and socially responsible production of food
O Chkanikova, B Kogg
1st CR3 Conference, Hanken School of Economics, 2011
Responsibility in the Supply Chain. Interorganisational management of environmental. and social aspects in the supply chain
B Kogg
Lund: IIIEE, 2009
Throwing out the baby with the bathwater?
C van Rossem, B Kogg, O Mont
Ökologisches Wirtschaften-Fachzeitschrift 19 (3-4), 2004
Utvärdering av system för egendeklarationer av farliga kemiska ämnen i varor: Exempel från Byggsektorn och Textilindustrin
B Kogg, Å Thidell
Kemikalieinspektionen, 2003
Realizing the environmental potential of virtual communication
P Arnfalk, B Kogg
IIIEE, Lund, 2001
Dagligvarubutikernas betydelse för hållbara marknader: Svensk dagligvaruhandel sett i ett europeiskt sammanhang
O Mont, O Chkanikova, M Klintman, B Kogg, M Lehner, N Nebelius, ...
Handelns Utvecklingsråd, 2015
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