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Nancy Marcus
Nancy Marcus
Associate Professor of Law, California Western School of Law
cwsl.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Beyond Romer and Lawrence: The Right to Privacy Comes Out of the Closet
NC Marcus
Colum. J. Gender & L. 15, 355, 2006
From Edward to Eric Garner and beyond: The importance of constitutional limitations on lethal use of force in police reform
NC Marcus
Duke J. Const. L. & Pub. Pol'y 12, 53, 2016
Bridging bisexual erasure in LGBT-rights discourse and litigation
NC Marcus
Mich. J. Gender & L. 22, 291, 2015
The Freedom of Intimate Association in the Twenty First Century
NC Marcus
Geo. Mason UCRLJ 16, 269, 2005
Deeply Rooted Principles of Equal Liberty, Not Argle Bargle: The Inevitability of Marriage Equality after Windsor
NC Marcus
Tul. JL & Sexuality 23, 17, 2014
The global problem of bisexual erasure in litigation and jurisprudence
NC Marcus
Journal of Bisexuality 18 (1), 67-85, 2018
Out of breath and down to the wire: a call for constitution-focused police reform
NC Marcus
Howard LJ 59, 5, 2015
Bostock v. Clayton County and the Problem of Bisexual Erasure
NC Marcus
Nw. UL Rev. Online 115, 223, 2020
When'Riot'Is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Critical Need for Constitutional Clarity in Riot Laws
NC Marcus
Available at SSRN 4165114, 2022
When quacking like a duck is really a swan song in disguise: how Windsor's state powers analysis sets the stage for the demise of federalism-based marriage discrimination
NC Marcus
Case W. Res. L. Rev. 64, 1073, 2013
Bridging the Gap in LGBTQ Rights Litigation: A Community Discussion on Bisexual Visibility in the Law
NC Marcus, B Malakia, AE Tweedy, M Reid
Hastings Women's Law Journal 34 (1), 2023
Yes, Alito, There Is a Right to Privacy: Why the Leaked Dobbs Opinion Is Doctrinally Unsound
NC Marcus
ConLawNOW 13, 101, 2021
The Duty of Manufacturers to Consumers under California Fraudulent Concealment Law
NC Marcus
Cal. WL Rev. 58, 49, 2021
Constitutional Protections of Intimate Associations in the Twenty-first Century: The Right to Privacy Comes Out of the Closet
NC Marcus
University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2006
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