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Alistair Campbell Hack
Alistair Campbell Hack
Earth Sciences, University of Newcastle
newcastle.edu.au üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
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Alıntı yapanlar
Aqueous fluids and hydrous melts in high-pressure and ultra-high pressure rocks: Implications for element transfer in subduction zones
J Hermann, C Spandler, A Hack, AV Korsakov
Lithos 92 (3-4), 399-417, 2006
Phase relations involving hydrous silicate melts, aqueous fluids, and minerals
AC Hack, AB Thompson, M Aerts
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 65 (1), 129-185, 2007
Liquid immiscibility in silicate melts and related systems
AB Thompson, M Aerts, AC Hack
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 65 (1), 99-127, 2007
Density and viscosity of hydrous magmas and related fluids and their role in subduction zone processes
AC Hack, AB Thompson
Journal of Petrology 52 (7-8), 1333-1362, 2011
AXANES study of Cu speciation in high-temperature brines using synthetic fluid inclusions
AJ Berry, AC Hack, JA Mavrogenes, M Newville, SR Sutton
American Mineralogist 91 (11-12), 1773-1782, 2006
A synthetic fluid inclusion study of copper solubility in hydrothermal brines from 525 to 725 C and 0.3 to 1.7 GPa
AC Hack, JA Mavrogenes
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (15), 3970-3985, 2006
Mineral solubility and hydrous melting relations in the deep earth: Analysis of some binary A–H2O system pressure-temperature-composition topologies
AC Hack, J Hermann, JA Mavrogenes
American Journal of Science 307 (5), 833-855, 2007
A cold-sealing capsule design for synthesis of fluid inclusions and other hydrothermal experiments in a piston-cylinder apparatus
AC Hack, JA Mavrogenes
American Mineralogist 91 (1), 203-210, 2006
Assessment of the diamond-trap method for studying high-pressure fluids and melts and an improved freezing stage design for laser ablation ICP-MS analysis
M Aerts, AC Hack, E Reusser, P Ulmer
American Mineralogist 95 (10), 1523-1526, 2010
Age and tectonic significance of the Louth Volcanics: implications for the evolution of the Tasmanides of eastern Australia
RC Dwyer, WJ Collins, AC Hack, R Hegarty, HQ Huang
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 65 (7-8), 1049-1069, 2018
Provenance and structure of the Yancannia Formation, southern Thomson Orogen: implications for the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Cambro-Ordovician western Tasmanides
SCT Wong, WJ Collins, AC Hack, HQ Huang
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 65 (7-8), 1097-1121, 2018
A turbidite hosted, gold (–bismuth) quartz vein deposit, Union Hill mine, Maldon, central Victoria
AC Hack, JA Mavrogenes, PO Hoskin, RJ Scott
Geol. Soc. Aust 49, 194, 1998
The age and tectonic significance of the Warraweena Volcanics and related rocks, southern Thomson Orogen
AC Hack, RC Dwyer, G Phillips, S Whalan, HQ Huang
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 65 (7-8), 1071-1096, 2018
Effect of water on the partial melting process of some silicate systems: Important implication of the second critical endpoint
X Liu, LF Zhang, HF Zheng, XM Hu, LL Chang, Q He, CA Hack
Acta Petrologica Sinica 25 (12), 3407-3421, 2009
Revised potential field model of the Gilmore Fault Zone
D Venkataramani, RJ Musgrave, DA Boutelier, AC Hack, WJ Collins
Exploration Geophysics 49 (4), 572-583, 2018
Low-temperature melt^ fluid miscibility: Experimental evidence for enhanced mass transport in the upper crust by cooling fluids
M Aerts, AC Hack, P Ulmer, AB Thompson
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (13, Supplement), A13-A13, 2009
Calculated hydrous granite solidi beyond the albite-jadeite transition
DP Miller, MJ Caddick, AC Hack, AB Thompson
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, Davos A 881, 2009
Mineral-buffered fluid compositions in K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O to 2.0 GPa and 800° C as measured by the diamond-trap method
M Aerts, C Hack, AB Thompson, P Ulmer
Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, EGU2007-A-04167, 2007
Physical properties of hydrous magmas and related fluids and their role in mantle processes
AB Thompson, AC Hack
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (13, Supplement 1), A1329-A1329, 2009
Quantification of dehydration and mass fluxes from subducting slabs
AC Hack, AB Thompson
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 72 (12), A339, 2008
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