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Ignasi Torre
Ignasi Torre
Natural Sciencies Museum of Granollers
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Alıntı yapanlar
The database of the PREDICTS (projecting responses of ecological diversity in changing terrestrial systems) project
LN Hudson, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, A De Palma, ...
Ecology and evolution 7 (1), 145-188, 2017
Comparison of sampling methods for inventory of bat communities
C Flaquer, I Torre, A Arrizabalaga
Journal of Mammalogy 88 (2), 526-533, 2007
Pest control service provided by bats in Mediterranean rice paddies: linking agroecosystems structure to ecological functions
X Puig-Montserrat, I Torre, A López-Baucells, E Guerrieri, MM Monti, ...
Mammalian Biology 80 (3), 237-245, 2015
Three methods for assessing richness and composition of small mammal communities
I Torre, A Arrizabalaga, C Flaquer
Journal of Mammalogy 85 (3), 524-530, 2004
Small mammal abundance in Mediterranean post-fire habitats: a role for predators?
I Torre, M Díaz
Acta Oecologica 25 (3), 137-142, 2004
Cattle grazing, raptor abundance and small mammal communities in Mediterranean grasslands
I Torre, M Díaz, J Martínez-Padilla, R Bonal, J Vinuela, JA Fargallo
Basic and Applied Ecology 8 (6), 565-575, 2007
The value of bat-boxes in the conservation of Pipistrellus pygmaeus in wetland rice paddies
C Flaquer, I Torre, R Ruiz-Jarillo
Biological conservation 128 (2), 223-230, 2006
Recent trends in butterfly populations from north-east Spain and Andorra in the light of habitat and climate change
C Stefanescu, I Torre, J Jubany, F Páramo
Journal of Insect Conservation 15 (1), 83-93, 2011
Effects of organic and conventional crop management on vineyard biodiversity
X Puig-Montserrat, C Stefanescu, I Torre, J Palet, E Fàbregas, J Dantart, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 243, 19-26, 2017
Ratón de campo (Apodemus sylvaticus Linnaeus, 1758)
I Torre, A Arrizabalaga, M Díaz
Galemys 14 (2), 1-26, 2002
An evaluation of monk parakeet damage to crops in the metropolitan area of Barcelona
JC Senar, J Domènech, L Arroyo, I Torre, O Gordo
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 39 (1), 141-145, 2016
Kestrel-prey dynamic in a Mediterranean region: the effect of generalist predation and climatic factors
JA Fargallo, J Martinez-Padilla, J Vinuela, G Blanco, I Torre, P Vergara, ...
PLoS One 4 (2), e4311, 2009
Traditional farming and key foraging habitats for chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax conservation in a Spanish pseudosteppe landscape
G Blanco, JÉL Tella, I Torre
Journal of Applied Ecology 35 (2), 232-239, 1998
Could overheating turn bat boxes into death traps
C Flaquer, X Puig-Montserrat, A López-Baucells, I Torre, L Freixas, M Mas, ...
Barbastella 7 (1), 46-53, 2014
Habitat preferences of the bank voleMyodes glareolus in a Mediterranean mountain range
I Torre, A Arrizabalaga
Acta Theriologica 53 (3), 241-250, 2008
Foraging behavior of wood mice as related to presence and activity of genets
M Díaz, I Torre, A Peris, L Tena
Journal of mammalogy 86 (6), 1178-1185, 2005
Are recent changes in the terrestrial small mammal communities related to land use change? A test using pellet analyses
I Torre, L Gracia-Quintas, A Arrizabalaga, J Baucells, M Díaz
Ecological Research 30 (5), 813-819, 2015
The efficiency of two widely used commercial live-traps to develop monitoring protocols for small mammal biodiversity
I Torre, L Freixas, A Arrizabalaga, M Díaz
Ecological Indicators 66, 481-487, 2016
Relative roles of density and rainfall on the short-term regulation of Mediterraneanwood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus populations
M Díaz, I Torre, A Arrizabalaga
Acta theriologica 55 (3), 251-260, 2010
Using scats of a generalist carnivore as a tool to monitor small mammal communities in Mediterranean habitats
I Torre, A Arrizabalaga, L Freixas, A Ribas, C Flaquer, M Díaz
Basic and Applied Ecology 14 (2), 155-164, 2013
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