Public infrastructure and regional economic development: A simultaneous equations approach K Duffy-Deno, R Eberts Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working Paper, 1989 | 632 | 1989 |
Public infrastructure and regional economic development RW Eberts Economic Review 26 (1), 15-27, 1990 | 399 | 1990 |
Universities and the startup of new companies: can we generalize from Route 128 and Silicon Valley? N Bania, RW Eberts, MS Fogarty The review of economics and statistics, 761-766, 1993 | 397 | 1993 |
Student achievement in public schools: Do principals make a difference? RW Eberts, JA Stone Economics of education Review 7 (3), 291-299, 1988 | 390 | 1988 |
Agglomeration economies and urban public infrastructure RW Eberts, DP McMillen Handbook of regional and urban economics 3, 1455-1495, 1999 | 386 | 1999 |
Estimating the contribution of urban public infrastructure to regional growth R Eberts Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working Paper, 1986 | 328 | 1986 |
Teacher performance incentives and student outcomes R Eberts, K Hollenbeck, J Stone Journal of human resources, 913-927, 2002 | 319 | 2002 |
Unions and Public Schools: The Effect of Collective Bargaining on American Education. RW Eberts, JA Stone Lexington Books, DC Heath and Company, 125 Spring Street, Lexington, MA 02173, 1984 | 291 | 1984 |
Identifying productivity and amenity effects in interurban wage differentials PE Beeson, RW Eberts The Review of Economics and Statistics, 443-452, 1989 | 224 | 1989 |
Teacher unions and the productivity of public schools RW Eberts, JA Stone ILR Review 40 (3), 354-363, 1987 | 191 | 1987 |
Teachers unions and student performance: Help or hindrance? RW Eberts The future of children, 175-200, 2007 | 151 | 2007 |
Can competition among local governments constrain government spending? RW Eberts, TJ Gronberg Economic Review 24 (QI), 2-9, 1988 | 141 | 1988 |
Wage and employment adjustment in local labor markets RW Eberts, JA Stone WE Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1992 | 119 | 1992 |
On the contract curve: A test of alternative models of collective bargaining RW Eberts, JA Stone Journal of Labor Economics 4 (1), 66-81, 1986 | 111 | 1986 |
Structure, conduct, and performance in the local public sector RW Eberts, TJ Gronberg National Tax Journal 43 (2), 165-173, 1990 | 109 | 1990 |
Examining the effect of industry trends and structure on welfare caseloads TJ Bartik, RW Eberts Upjohn Institute Working Paper, 1999 | 106 | 1999 |
Wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions: An analysis of compensating differentials RW Eberts, JA Stone Southern Economic Journal, 274-280, 1985 | 100 | 1985 |
Estimating the relationship between local public and private investment R Eberts, MS Fogarty Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working Paper, 1987 | 95 | 1987 |
School reform, school size, and student achievement RW Eberts, EK Schwartz, JA Stone Economic review 26 (2), 2-15, 1990 | 93 | 1990 |
The effect of school size on student outcomes RW Eberts, E Kehoe, JA Stone Center for Educational Policy and Management, College of Education …, 1984 | 92 | 1984 |