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Younghwan Go
Younghwan Go
Cisco Meraki
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
APUNet: Revitalizing GPU as Packet Processing Accelerator
Y Go, MA Jamshed, YG Moon, C Hwang, KS Park
14th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation ({NSDI …, 2017
Simba: Tunable end-to-end data consistency for mobile apps
D Perkins, N Agrawal, A Aranya, C Yu, Y Go, HV Madhyastha, ...
Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Computer Systems, 1-16, 2015
Gaining control of cellular traffic accounting by spurious tcp retransmission.
Y Go, EY Jeong, J Won, Y Kim, DF Kune, KS Park
NDSS, 2014
Reliable, consistent, and efficient data sync for mobile apps
Y Go, N Agrawal, A Aranya, C Ungureanu
13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 15), 359-372, 2015
A disruption-tolerant transmission protocol for practical mobile data offloading
Y Go, YG Moon, G Nam, KS Park
Proceedings of the third ACM international workshop on Mobile Opportunistic …, 2012
Towards accurate accounting of cellular data for tcp retransmission
Y Go, DF Kune, S Woo, KS Park, Y Kim
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and …, 2013
Practicalizing delay-tolerant mobile apps with cedos
YG Moon, D Kim, Y Go, Y Kim, Y Yi, S Chong, KS Park
Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2015
Enabling DTN-based data offloading in urban mobile network environments
Y Go, YG Moon, KS Park
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Future Internet …, 2012
Cedos: a network architecture and programming abstraction for delay-tolerant mobile apps
YG Moon, D Kim, Y Go, Y Kim, Y Yi, S Chong, KS Park
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (2), 646-661, 2016
Impact of malicious tcp retransmission on cellular traffic accounting
Y Go, DF Kune, S Woo, KS Park, Y Kim
5th Annual Wireless of the Students, by the Students, for the Students …, 2013
Data billing system in mobile communication network
K Park, Y GO, YD Kim
US Patent App. 14/907,969, 2016
Enabling Performance Exploration and Analysis for Multi-parametric Systems
Y Go, JA Colmenares
Cedos: a Practical Cellular Data Offloading System for Mobile Users
Y Moon, D Kim, Y Go, Y Yi, S Chong, KS Park
2014 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC 2014) Poster, 2014
A Disruption-tolerant Transmission Protocol for Practical Mobile Data Offloading
KS Park, Y Go, YG Moon, G Nam
ACM International Workshop on Mobile Opportunistic Networks (ACM MobiOpp'12), 2012
Suppressing Malicious Bot Traffic Using an Accurate Human Attester
M Jamshed, Y Go
Suppressing Malicious Bot Traffic using an Accurate Human Attester (No Demo)
M Jamshed, Y Go, KS Park
HumanSign: Accurate Bot Message Detection with Reliable Human Attestation
MA Jamshed, Y Go, KS Park
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