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Michael Judiesch
Michael Judiesch
manhattan.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Individual differences in output variability as a function of job complexity.
JE Hunter, FL Schmidt, MK Judiesch
Journal of applied psychology 75 (1), 28, 1990
Left behind? The impact of leaves of absence on managers' career success
MK Judiesch, KS Lyness
Academy of Management Journal 42 (6), 641-651, 1999
Gender egalitarianism and work–life balance for managers: Multisource perspectives in 36 countries
KS Lyness, MK Judiesch
Applied Psychology: An International Review 63 (1), 96-129, 2014
Can a manager have a life and a career? International and multisource perspectives on work-life balance and career advancement potential.
KS Lyness, MK Judiesch
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (4), 789, 2008
Are female managers quitters? The relationships of gender, promotions, and family leaves of absence to voluntary turnover.
KS Lyness, MK Judiesch
Journal of applied psychology 86 (6), 1167, 2001
Are women more likely to be hired or promoted into management positions?
KS Lyness, MK Judiesch
Journal of Vocational Behavior 54 (1), 158-173, 1999
Work and pregnancy: Individual and organizational factors influencing organizational commitment, timing of maternity leave, and return to work
KS Lyness, CA Thompson, AM Francesco, MK Judiesch
Sex roles 41 (7), 485-508, 1999
Estimates of the dollar value of employee output in utility analyses: An empirical test of two theories.
MK Judiesch, FL Schmidt, MK Mount
Journal of Applied Psychology 77 (3), 234, 1992
Has the problem of judgment in utility analysis been solved?
MK Judiesch, FL Schmidt, JE Hunter
Journal of Applied Psychology 78 (6), 903, 1993
The effects of incentive compensation systems on productivity, individual differences in output variability and selection utility.
MK Judiesch
University of Iowa, 1995
Between-worker variability in output under piece-rate versus hourly pay systems
MK Judiesch, FL Schmidt
Journal of Business and Psychology 14, 529-552, 2000
Using estimates of the output productivity ratio (SDp) to improve the accuracy and managerial acceptance of utility analysis estimates
MK Judiesch
Journal of Business and Psychology 16, 165-176, 2001
An improved method for estimating utility
MK Judiesch, FL Schmidt, MK Mount
Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting 1 (2), 31-42, 1996
The Work-Family Interface and Careers in the Global Workplace: Insights from Cross-National Research
KS Lyness, MK Judiesch, HE Erkovan
The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work-Family Interface, 2018
PERSONNEL DEPARTMENTS 7-127 Halcrow, Allan. The HR budget squeeze.
K Matthes, N Sklarewitz, TA Judge, RD Bretz Jr, MK Judiesch, FL Schmidt, ...
Personnel Literature 51, 114-116, 1992
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Makaleler 1–15