Individual differences in output variability as a function of job complexity. JE Hunter, FL Schmidt, MK Judiesch Journal of applied psychology 75 (1), 28, 1990 | 772 | 1990 |
Left behind? The impact of leaves of absence on managers' career success MK Judiesch, KS Lyness Academy of Management Journal 42 (6), 641-651, 1999 | 579 | 1999 |
Gender egalitarianism and work–life balance for managers: Multisource perspectives in 36 countries KS Lyness, MK Judiesch Applied Psychology: An International Review 63 (1), 96-129, 2014 | 332 | 2014 |
Can a manager have a life and a career? International and multisource perspectives on work-life balance and career advancement potential. KS Lyness, MK Judiesch Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (4), 789, 2008 | 329 | 2008 |
Are female managers quitters? The relationships of gender, promotions, and family leaves of absence to voluntary turnover. KS Lyness, MK Judiesch Journal of applied psychology 86 (6), 1167, 2001 | 292 | 2001 |
Are women more likely to be hired or promoted into management positions? KS Lyness, MK Judiesch Journal of Vocational Behavior 54 (1), 158-173, 1999 | 220 | 1999 |
Work and pregnancy: Individual and organizational factors influencing organizational commitment, timing of maternity leave, and return to work KS Lyness, CA Thompson, AM Francesco, MK Judiesch Sex roles 41 (7), 485-508, 1999 | 211 | 1999 |
Estimates of the dollar value of employee output in utility analyses: An empirical test of two theories. MK Judiesch, FL Schmidt, MK Mount Journal of Applied Psychology 77 (3), 234, 1992 | 46 | 1992 |
Has the problem of judgment in utility analysis been solved? MK Judiesch, FL Schmidt, JE Hunter Journal of Applied Psychology 78 (6), 903, 1993 | 29 | 1993 |
The effects of incentive compensation systems on productivity, individual differences in output variability and selection utility. MK Judiesch University of Iowa, 1995 | 24 | 1995 |
Between-worker variability in output under piece-rate versus hourly pay systems MK Judiesch, FL Schmidt Journal of Business and Psychology 14, 529-552, 2000 | 12 | 2000 |
Using estimates of the output productivity ratio (SDp) to improve the accuracy and managerial acceptance of utility analysis estimates MK Judiesch Journal of Business and Psychology 16, 165-176, 2001 | 5 | 2001 |
An improved method for estimating utility MK Judiesch, FL Schmidt, MK Mount Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting 1 (2), 31-42, 1996 | 5 | 1996 |
The Work-Family Interface and Careers in the Global Workplace: Insights from Cross-National Research KS Lyness, MK Judiesch, HE Erkovan The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work-Family Interface, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
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