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Laura Granka
Laura Granka
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Accurately interpreting clickthrough data as implicit feedback
T Joachims, L Granka, B Pan, H Hembrooke, G Gay
Acm Sigir Forum 51 (1), 4-11, 2017
Eye-tracking analysis of user behavior in WWW search
LA Granka, T Joachims, G Gay
Proceedings of the 27th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2004
In Google we trust: Users’ decisions on rank, position, and relevance
B Pan, H Hembrooke, T Joachims, L Lorigo, G Gay, L Granka
Journal of computer-mediated communication 12 (3), 801-823, 2007
Evaluating the accuracy of implicit feedback from clicks and query reformulations in web search
T Joachims, L Granka, B Pan, H Hembrooke, F Radlinski, G Gay
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 25 (2), 7-es, 2007
Let me count the ways: The interchange of verbal and nonverbal cues in computer-mediated and face-to-face affinity
JB Walther, T Loh, L Granka
Journal of language and social psychology 24 (1), 36-65, 2005
The determinants of web page viewing behavior: an eye-tracking study
B Pan, HA Hembrooke, GK Gay, LA Granka, MK Feusner, JK Newman
Proceedings of the 2004 symposium on Eye tracking research & applications …, 2004
Eye tracking and online search: Lessons learned and challenges ahead
L Lorigo, M Haridasan, H Brynjarsdóttir, L Xia, T Joachims, G Gay, ...
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59 (7 …, 2008
The influence of task and gender on search and evaluation behavior using Google
L Lorigo, B Pan, H Hembrooke, T Joachims, L Granka, G Gay
Information processing & management 42 (4), 1123-1131, 2006
The politics of search: A decade retrospective
LA Granka
The Information Society 26 (5), 364-374, 2010
The effects of expertise and feedback on search term selection and subsequent learning
HA Hembrooke, LA Granka, GK Gay, ED Liddy
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 56 (8 …, 2005
Indirect content privacy surveys: measuring privacy without asking about it
A Braunstein, L Granka, J Staddon
Proceedings of the seventh symposium on usable privacy and security, 1-14, 2011
Eye monitoring in online search
L Granka, M Feusner, L Lorigo
Passive eye monitoring: Algorithms, applications and experiments, 347-372, 2008
Location location location: Viewing patterns on WWW pages
L Granka, H Hembrooke, G Gay
Proceedings of the 2006 symposium on Eye tracking research & applications, 43-43, 2006
Measuring Agenda setting with online search traffic: Influences of online and traditional media
LA Granka
2010 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 2010
Using online search traffic to predict US presidential elections
L Granka
PS: Political Science & Politics 46 (2), 271-279, 2013
Inferring the public agenda from implicit query data
L Granka
Understanding the User-Logging and Interpreting User Interactions in …, 2009
Eyetracking in online search
L Granka, M Feusner, L Lorigo
Passive eye monitoring, 283-304, 2008
Incorporating eyetracking into user studies at Google
L Granka, K Rodden
Workshop Position paper presented at CHI, 2006
In google we trust: Users decisions on rank, position and relevancy
H Hembrooke, B Pan, T Joachims, G Gay, L Granka
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Special Issue on Search Engines, 2005
MetaTest: evaluation of metadata from generation to use
ED Liddy, EE Allen, CM Finneran, G Gay, H Hembrooke, LA Granka
Digital Libraries, Joint Conference on, 398-398, 2003
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