Takip et
VIkraman Arvind
VIkraman Arvind
Professor, Computer Science, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India
imsc.res.in üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Approximation algorithms for some parameterized counting problems
V Arvind, V Raman
Algorithms and Computation: 13th International Symposium, ISAAC 2002 …, 2002
On weisfeiler-leman invariance: Subgraph counts and related graph properties
V Arvind, F Fuhlbrück, J Köbler, O Verbitsky
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 113, 42-59, 2020
Reductions to sets of low information content
V Arvind, Y Han, L Hemachandra, J Köbler, A Lozano, M Mundhenk, ...
Automata, Languages and Programming: 19th International Colloquium Wien …, 1992
Graph isomorphism is in SPP
V Arvind, PP Kurur
The 43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2002 …, 2002
On the power of color refinement
V Arvind, J Köbler, G Rattan, O Verbitsky
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 20th International Symposium, FCT 2015 …, 2015
Isomorphism Testing: Perspective and Open Problems.
V Arvind, J Torán
Bull. EATCS 86, 66-84, 2005
Graph isomorphism is in SPP
V Arvind, PP Kurur
Information and Computation 204 (5), 835-852, 2006
On pseudorandomness and resource-bounded measure
V Arvind, J Köbler
Theoretical Computer Science 255 (1-2), 205-221, 2001
New results on noncommutative and commutative polynomial identity testing
V Arvind, P Mukhopadhyay, S Srinivasan
Computational Complexity 19 (4), 521-558, 2010
On the hardness of the noncommutative determinant
V Arvind, S Srinivasan
Proceedings of the forty-second ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 677-686, 2010
Approximate graph isomorphism
V Arvind, J Köbler, S Kuhnert, Y Vasudev
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2012: 37th International …, 2012
Derandomizing the isolation lemma and lower bounds for circuit size
V Arvind, P Mukhopadhyay
Approximation, Randomization and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and …, 2008
On resource-bounded measure and pseudorandomness
V Arvind, J Köbler
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 17th …, 1997
Polynomial time truth-table reductions to P-selective sets
M Agrawal, V Arvind
Proceedings of IEEE 9th Annual Conference on Structure in Complexity Theory …, 1994
Graph isomorphism, color refinement, and compactness
V Arvind, J Köbler, G Rattan, O Verbitsky
computational complexity 26, 627-685, 2017
Some sieving algorithms for lattice problems
V Arvind, PS Joglekar
IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and …, 2008
Colored hypergraph isomorphism is fixed parameter tractable
V Arvind, B Das, J Köbler, S Toda
Algorithmica 71, 120-138, 2015
On bounded truth-table, conjunctive, and randomized reductions to sparse sets
V Arvind, J Köbler, M Mundhenk
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 12th …, 1992
An O (n2) algorithm for the satisfiability problem of a subset of propositional sentences in CNF that includes all Horn sentences
V Arvind, S Biswas
Information Processing Letters 24 (1), 67-69, 1987
Arithmetic circuits and the hadamard product of polynomials
V Arvind, PS Joglekar, S Srinivasan
arXiv preprint arXiv:0907.4006, 2009
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Makaleler 1–20