Takip et
Luc Vinet
Luc Vinet
Aisenstadt Professor of Physics, Université de Montréal
umontreal.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A ‘missing’family of classical orthogonal polynomials
L Vinet, A Zhedanov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (8), 085201, 2011
Exact operator solution of the Calogero-Sutherland model
L Lapointe, L Vinet
Communications in mathematical physics 178, 425-452, 1996
Group actions on principal bundles and invariance conditions for gauge fields
J Harnad, S Shnider, L Vinet
Journal of Mathematical Physics 21 (12), 2719-2724, 1980
Calogero—Moser—Sutherland Models
JF van Diejen, L Vinet
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Supersymmetry of the Pauli equation in the presence of a magnetic monopole
E D'Hoker, L Vinet
Physics Letters B 137 (1-2), 72-76, 1984
q-Oscillator realizations of the quantum superalgebrassl q (m, n) andosp q (m, 2n)
R Floreanini, VP Spiridonov, L Vinet
Communications in mathematical physics 137, 149-160, 1991
Lie group formalism for difference equations
D Levi, L Vinet, P Winternitz
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (2), 633, 1997
The Dunkl oscillator in the plane: I. Superintegrability, separated wavefunctions and overlap coefficients
VX Genest, MEH Ismail, L Vinet, A Zhedanov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (14), 145201, 2013
Superintegrable systems: polynomial algebras and quasi-exactly solvable Hamiltonians
P Letourneau, L Vinet
Annals of Physics 243 (1), 144-168, 1995
More on the q-oscillator algebra and q-orthogonal polynomials
R Floreanini, J LeTourneux, L Vinet
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 28 (10), L287, 1995
Dunkl shift operators and Bannai–Ito polynomials
S Tsujimoto, L Vinet, A Zhedanov
Advances in Mathematics 229 (4), 2123-2158, 2012
q-Orthogonal polynomials and the oscillator quantum group
R Floreanini, L Vinet
letters in mathematical physics 22, 45-54, 1991
On the defining relations of quantum superalgebras
R Floreanini, DA Leites, L Vinet
letters in mathematical physics 23, 127-131, 1991
How to construct spin chains with perfect state transfer
L Vinet, A Zhedanov
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (1), 012323, 2012
The Dunkl oscillator in the plane II: representations of the symmetry algebra
VX Genest, MEH Ismail, L Vinet, A Zhedanov
Communications in Mathematical Physics 329, 999-1029, 2014
Quantum algebras and q-special functions
R Floreanini, L Vinet
Annals of Physics 221 (1), 53-70, 1993
Lie symmetries of finite‐difference equations
R Floreanini, L Vinet
Journal of Mathematical Physics 36 (12), 7024-7042, 1995
q-Analogues of the parabose and parafermi oscillators and representations of quantum algebras
R Floreanini, L Vinet
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 23 (19), L1019, 1990
Dynamical supersymmetry of the magnetic monopole and the 1/r 2-potential
E D'Hoker, L Vinet
Communications in mathematical physics 97 (3), 391-427, 1985
The Dunkl oscillator in three dimensions
VX Genest, L Vinet, A Zhedanov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 512 (1), 012010, 2014
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