Takip et
Hao Zhou
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Tracking the sliding of grain boundaries at the atomic scale
L Wang, Y Zhang, Z Zeng, H Zhou, J He, P Liu, M Chen, J Han, ...
Science 375 (6586), 1261-1265, 2022
Multiscale modeling of materials: Computing, data science, uncertainty and goal-oriented optimization
N Kovachki, B Liu, X Sun, H Zhou, K Bhattacharya, M Ortiz, A Stuart
Mechanics of Materials 165, 104156, 2022
Probing the in-plane liquid-like behavior of liquid crystal elastomers
H Tokumoto, H Zhou, A Takebe, K Kamitani, K Kojio, A Takahara, ...
Science Advances 7 (25), eabe9495, 2021
Accelerated computational micromechanics and its application to polydomain liquid crystal elastomers
H Zhou, K Bhattacharya
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 104470, 2021
Low energy fold paths in multistable origami structures
H Zhou, M Grasinger, P Buskohl, K Bhattacharya
International Journal of Solids and Structures 265, 112125, 2023
Imposing equilibrium on measured 3-D stress fields using Hodge decomposition and FFT-based optimization
H Zhou, RA Lebensohn, P Reischig, W Ludwig, K Bhattacharya
Mechanics of Materials, 2021
Dynamics of bond breaking and formation in polyethylene near shock front
H Liu, H Zhou, W Kang, P Zhang, H Duan, W Zhang, XT He
Physical Review E 102 (2), 023207, 2020
Corrigendum to ‘Imposing equilibrium on measured 3-D stress fields using Hodge decomposition and FFT-based optimization’[Mech. Mater., 164 (2022) 104109]
H Zhou, RA Lebensohn, P Reischig, W Ludwig, K Bhattacharya
Mechanics of Materials 174, 104448, 2022
Accelerated computational micromechanics
H Zhou
California Institute of Technology, 2022
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