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Ylva Hård af Segerstad
Ylva Hård af Segerstad
Diğer adlaraf Segerstad, Y, YH af Segerstad, Segerstad, Ylva Hard
Professor of Communication, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
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Use and adaptation of written language to the conditions of computer-mediated communication
Y Hård af Segerstad
Department of Linguistics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2002
Cross-cultural patterns in mobile-phone use: Public space and reachability in Sweden, the USA and Japan
NS Baron, Y Hård af Segerstad
New Media & Society 12 (1), 13-34, 2010
“It must not disturb, it’s as simple as that”: Students’ voices on mobile phones in the infrastructure for learning in Swedish upper secondary school
T Ott, AG Magnusson, A Weilenmann, Y Hård af Segerstad
Education and Information Technologies 23, 517-536, 2018
Language in SMS—a socio-linguistic view
Y Hård af Segerstad
The inside text: Social, cultural and design perspectives on SMS, 33-51, 2005
Instant messaging with WebWho
Y Hård af Segerstad, P Ljungstrand
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 56 (1), 147-171, 2002
A community for grieving: Affordances of social media for support of bereaved parents
Y Hård af Segerstad, D Kasperowski
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 21 (1-2), 25-41, 2015
Language use in Swedish mobile text messaging
Y Hård af Segerstad
Front Stage-Back Stage: Mobile Communication and the Re-negotiation of the …, 2005
Awareness of presence, instant messaging and WebWho
P Ljungstrand, Y Hård af Segerstad
ACM SIGGroup Bulletin 21 (3), 21-27, 2000
Swedish teachers’ views on the use of personalised learning technologies for teaching children reading in the English classroom
L Bunting, Y Hård af Segerstad, W Barendregt
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 27, 100236, 2021
Bereaved parents’ online grief communities: De-tabooing practices or relation-building grief-ghettos?
DR Christensen, Y Hård af Segerstad, D Kasperowski, K Sandvik
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 61 (1), 58-72, 2017
Catch 22: The paradox of social media affordances and stigmatized online support groups
D Yeshua-Katz, Y Hård af Segerstad
Social Media+ Society 6 (4), 2056305120984476, 2020
Everything old is new again: The ethics of digital inquiry and its design
CM Ess, Y Hård af Segerstad
Designs for Experimentation and Inquiry, 179-196, 2019
Studying closed communities on-line: Digital methods and ethical considerations beyond informed consent and anonymity
Y Hård af Segerstad, C Kullenberg, D Kasperowski, C Howes
Zimmer M. & Kinder-Kurlanda K.(Eds.), Internet Research Ethics for the …, 2016
Swedish chat rooms
YH af Segerstad
M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture 3, 2000
Learning to Write in the Information Age: A Case Study of Schoolchildren's Writing in Sweden
Y Hård af Segerstad, S Sofkova Hashemi
Van Waes, L., Leijten, M. och Neuwirth, C.(eds.), Writing and Digital Media …, 2006
Complexities of managing a mobile phone ban in the digitalized schools’ classroom
A Grigic Magnusson, T Ott, Y Hård af Segerstad, S Sofkova Hashemi
Computers in the Schools 40 (3), 303-323, 2023
On the complexities of studying sensitive communities online as a researcher–participant
Y Hård af Segerstad
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (3), 409-423, 2021
The effects of multiple‐exposure textual enhancement on child L2 learners’ development in derivational morphology: A multi‐site study
A Révész, L Bunting, A Florea, R Gilabert, Y Hård af Segerstad, IP Mihu, ...
Tesol Quarterly 55 (3), 901-930, 2021
Skrivandet, nya media och skrivstöd hos grundskoleelever
Y Hård af Segerstad, SS Hashemi
idskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning, 119, 2005
Exploring the writing of children and adolescents in the information society
Y Hård af Segerstad, SS Hashemi
9th international conference of the EARLI-special interest group on writing …, 2004
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