Investigation of three-dimensional turbulent rectangular jets AA Sfeir AIAA journal 17 (10), 1055-1060, 1979 | 158 | 1979 |
The velocity and temperature fields of rectangular jets AA Sfeir International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 19 (11), 1289-1297, 1976 | 158 | 1976 |
Ingénierie des systèmes solaires: applications à l'habitat AA Sfeir, G Guarracino Technique et documentation-Lavoisier, 1981 | 77 | 1981 |
Thermal convection of fluid in fractured media G Abdallah, A Thoraval, A Sfeir, JP Piguet International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics …, 1995 | 60 | 1995 |
Solar radiation in Lebanon AA Sfeir Solar Energy 26 (6), 497-502, 1981 | 30 | 1981 |
The heat balance integral in steady-state conduction AA Sfeir ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 98, 466-470, 1976 | 30 | 1976 |
A stochastic model for predicting solar system performance AA Sfeir Solar Energy 25 (2), 149-154, 1980 | 27 | 1980 |
Supersonic laminar boundary layer separation near a compression corner AA Sfeir University of California, Berkeley, 1969 | 18 | 1969 |
Supersonic flow separation on a backward facing step A Sfeir University of California, 1966 | 17 | 1966 |
Continuous casting of cylindrical ingots AA Sfeir, JA Clumpner | 14 | 1977 |
Interaction d'une couche limite laminaire avec une onde de choc dans un coin de compression AA Sfeir Revue Roumaine Sci. Tech., Mecanique Appliquee 15, 1375-1391, 1970 | 6 | 1970 |
Etude du gisement solaire au Maroc en vue de son exploitation dans l’habitat MLB Kaddour, AA Sfeir Travail de fin d’etudes, Ecole Nationale des travaux publics de l’Etat …, 1981 | 5 | 1981 |
A numerical model for a solar water heater A Sfeir, S Mujais, G Menguy Heliotechnique and Development, Volume 2 2, 38-52, 1976 | 5 | 1976 |
Monthly average optical efficiency of flat plate collectors AA Sfeir Solar Energy 30 (5), 397-399, 1983 | 4 | 1983 |
Investigation of three-dimensional rectangular turbulent jets A Sfeir 11th Fluid and PlasmaDynamics Conference, 1185, 1978 | 4 | 1978 |
Experimental study and optimization of a solar still G Menguy, G Chassagne, A Sfeir, J Saab COMPLES-Rev. Int. Heliotech.;(France), 1976 | 3 | 1976 |
On the integral properties of separated laminar boundary layers AA Sfeir Journal of Fluid Mechanics 60 (1), 97-104, 1973 | 2 | 1973 |
Thermal convection of fluid in fractured media G Abdallah, A Thoraval, A Sfeir, JP Piguet International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics …, 1996 | | 1996 |
Thermal convection of fluid in fractured media A Sfeir, G Abdallah, A Thoraval, JP Piguet | | 1995 |