Takip et
Tesfaye T. Lemma, PhD
Tesfaye T. Lemma, PhD
Professor of Accounting, Towson University
towson.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Corporate carbon risk, voluntary disclosure, and cost of capital: South African evidence
JDP Tesfaye T. Lemma, M. Freedman, M. Mlilo
Business Strategy and the Environment, 2018
Institutional ownership, product market competition, and earnings management: Some evidence from international data
A Lemma, T. T, Negash, M., Mlilo, M., Lulseged
Journal of Business Research 90, 151-163, 2018
Institutional, macroeconomic and firm-specific determinants of capital structure: the African evidence
TTLM Negash
Management Research Review 36 (11), 1081-1122, 2013
Integrated Reporting, Financial Reporting Quality and Cost of Debt,
MB Muttakin, DG Mihret, TT Lemma, A Khan
International Journal of Accounting and Information Management 28 (Press), xxx, 2020
Determinants of the adjustment speed of capital structure: evidence from developing economies
TT Lemma, M Negash
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 15 (1), 64-99, 2014
Corporate carbon risk exposure, voluntary disclosure, and financial reporting quality
MF Tesfaye T. Lemma, Mehrzad A. Shabestari
Business Strategy and the Environment, 2020
Institutional pressures and the accounting and reporting of environmental liabilities
M Negash, TT Lemma
Business Strategy and the Environment 29 (2), https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2480, 2020
Corporate commitment to climate change action, carbon risk exposure, and a firm's debt financing policy
TT Lemma, A Lulseged, M Tavakolifar
Business Strategy and the Environment 30 (8), 3919-3936, 2021
Media attention and its impact on corporate commitment to climate change action
M Tavakolifar, A Omar, TT Lemma, G Samkin
Journal of Cleaner Production 313, 127833, 2021
Determinants of voluntary formation of risk management committees: Evidence from an emerging economy
N Blessy Sekome, T Taddesse Lemma
Managerial Auditing Journal 29 (7), 649-671, 2014
Determinants of earnings management: Evidence from around the world
TT Lemma, M Negash, M Mlilo
Available at SSRN 2370926, 2013
Factors Impacting Accounting Research Output in Developing Countries: An exploratory studt
M Negash, TT Lemma, S Grant
The British Accounting Review, 2018
Corruption, debt financing and corporate ownership
TT Lemma
Journal of Economic Studies 42 (3), 433-461, 2015
Environmental, social, and governance performance, national cultural values and corporate financing strategy
TT Lemma, M Muttakin, D Mihret
Journal of Cleaner Production 373, 133821, 2022
Is integrated reporting associated with corporate financing decisions: Some empirical evidence
DGM Tesfaye T. Lemma, Arifur Khan, Mohammad Badrul Muttakin
Asian Review of Accounting 27 (3), 425-443, 2019
Debt maturity choice of a firm: evidence from African countries
TT Lemma, M Negash
Journal of Business and Policy Research 7 (2), 60-92, 2012
Board remuneration, directors’ ownership and corporate performance: the South African evidence,
TT Lemma, M Mlilo, T Gwatidzo
International Review of Applied Economics 34 (In press), xxx, 2019
Corporate carbon risk, voluntary disclosure, and debt maturity
MM Tesfaye T. Lemma, Mehrzad A. Shabestari, Martin Freedmona, Ayalew Lulseged
International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 2020
Gender differences in business performance: Evidence from Kenya and South Africa
TT Lemma, T Gwatidzo, M Mlilo
Small Business Economics 60 (2), 591-614, 2023
Rethinking the antecedents of capital structure of Johannesburg Securities Exchange listed firms
TT Lemma, M Negash
Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting 2 (4), 299-332, 2011
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