Takip et
Anne Lemnitzer, Ph.D.
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Brief communication: Critical infrastructure impacts of the 2021 mid-July western European flood event
E Koks, K Van Ginkel, M Van Marle, A Lemnitzer
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-11, 2021
Lateral performance of full-scale bridge abutment wall with granular backfill
A Lemnitzer, ER Ahlberg, RL Nigbor, A Shamsabadi, JW Wallace, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 135 (4), 506-514, 2009
Dynamic pile impedances for laterally–loaded piles using improved Tajimi and Winkler formulations
G Anoyatis, A Lemnitzer
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 92, 279-297, 2017
Soil reaction to lateral harmonic pile motion
G Anoyatis, G Mylonakis, A Lemnitzer
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87, 164-179, 2016
Full scale cyclic testing of foundation support systems for highway bridges. Part II: Abutment backwalls
JP Stewart, E Taciroglu, JW Wallace, ER Ahlberg, A Lemnitzer, C Rha, ...
Kinematic Winkler modulus for laterally-loaded piles
G Anoyatis, A Lemnitzer
Soils and Foundations 57 (3), 453-471, 2017
Nonlinear efficiency of bored pile group under lateral loading
A Lemnitzer, P Khalili-Tehrani, ER Ahlberg, C Rha, E Taciroglu, ...
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 136 (12), 1673-1685, 2010
Aftershock response of RC buildings in Santiago, Chile, succeeding the magnitude 8.8 Maule earthquake
A Lemnitzer, LM Massone, DA Skolnik, JC de la Llera Martin, JW Wallace
Engineering structures 76, 324-338, 2014
Nonlinear load-deflection behavior of reinforced concrete drilled piles in stiff clay
P Khalili-Tehrani, ER Ahlberg, C Rha, A Lemnitzer, JP Stewart, ...
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 140 (3), 04013022, 2014
Epistemic uncertainty in the seismic response of RC free-plan buildings
MF Chacón, JC de la Llera, MA Hube, J Marques, A Lemnitzer
Engineering Structures 141, 687-702, 2017
Full scale cyclic testing of foundation support systems for highway bridges
JP Stewart, E Taciroglu, JW Wallace, ER Ahlberg, A Lemnitzer, C Rha, ...
Part II: Abutment Backwalls, 66, 2007
Experimental performance of RC moment frame beams with rectangular openings
L Herrera, S Anacleto-Lupianez, A Lemnitzer
Engineering Structures 152, 149-167, 2017
Full scale cyclic large deflection testing of foundation support systems for highway bridges. Part I: Drilled shaft foundations
JP Stewart, E Taciroglu, JW Wallace, ER Ahlberg, A Lemnitzer, C Rha, ...
Dynamic pile impedances for fixed-tip piles
G Anoyatis, R Di Laora, A Lemnitzer
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97, 454-467, 2017
Dynamic response of underground structures in sand: experimental data
A Lemnitzer, L Keykhosropour, Y Kawamata, I Towhata
Earthquake Spectra 33 (1), 347-372, 2017
Experimental studies of seismic soil pressures on vertical flexible, underground structures and analytical comparisons
L Keykhosropour, A Lemnitzer
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 118, 166-178, 2019
Implementation of soil pressure sensors in large-scale soil-structure interaction studies
L Keykhosropour, A Lemnitzer, L Star, A Marinucci, S Keowen
Geotechnical Testing Journal 41 (4), 730-746, 2018
The September 19, 2017 Mw 7.1 Puebla-Mexico City earthquake: observed rockfall and landslide activity
J Montgomery, G Candia, A Lemnitzer, A Martinez
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 130, 105972, 2020
Strains and pore pressures generated during cyclic loading of embankments on organic soil
R Cappa, SJ Brandenberg, A Lemnitzer
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143 (9), 04017069, 2017
Seismic response behavior of deep flexible underground structures in sand-insights from an experimental–numerical investigation
L Keykhosropour, A Lemnitzer
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 20 (10), 5205-5231, 2022
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