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Alex Gurevich
Alex Gurevich
Professor of Physics, Old Dominion University
odu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
High-Tc superconducting materials for electric power applications
D Larbalestier, A Gurevich, DM Feldmann, A Polyanskii
Nature 414 (6861), 368-377, 2001
Strongly linked current flow in polycrystalline forms of the superconductor MgB2
DC Larbalestier, LD Cooley, MO Rikel, AA Polyanskii, J Jiang, S Patnaik, ...
Nature 410 (6825), 186-189, 2001
Enhancement of the upper critical field by nonmagnetic impurities in dirty two-gap superconductors
A Gurevich
Physical Review B 67 (18), 184515, 2003
Two-band superconductivity in LaFeAsO0.89F0.11 at very high magnetic fields
F Hunte, J Jaroszynski, A Gurevich, DC Larbalestier, R Jin, AS Sefat, ...
nature 453 (7197), 903-905, 2008
High critical current density and enhanced irreversibility field in superconducting MgB2 thin films
CB Eom, MK Lee, JH Choi, LJ Belenky, X Song, LD Cooley, MT Naus, ...
Nature 411 (6837), 558-560, 2001
Small anisotropy, weak thermal fluctuations, and high field superconductivity in Co-doped iron pnictide Ba (Fe1-xCox) 2As2
A Yamamoto, J Jaroszynski, C Tarantini, L Balicas, J Jiang, A Gurevich, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94, 062511, 2009
Self-heating in normal metals and superconductors
AV Gurevich, RG Mints
Reviews of modern physics 59 (4), 941, 1987
Upper critical fields and thermally-activated transport of single crystal
J Jaroszynski, F Hunte, L Balicas, Y Jo, I Raičević, A Gurevich, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (17), 174523, 2008
Very high upper critical fields inMgB2 produced by selective tuning of impurity scattering
A Gurevich, S Patnaik, V Braccini, KH Kim, C Mielke, X Song, LD Cooley, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 17 (2), 278, 2003
High-field superconductivity in alloyed MgB2 thin films
V Braccini, A Gurevich, JE Giencke, MC Jewell, CB Eom, DC Larbalestier, ...
Physical Review B 71, 012504, 2004
Enhancement of rf breakdown field of superconductors by multilayer coating
A Gurevich
Applied Physics Letters 88 (1), 2006
New Fe-based superconductors: properties relevant for applications
M Putti, I Pallecchi, E Bellingeri, MR Cimberle, M Tropeano, C Ferdeghini, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 23 (3), 034003, 2010
Current transport through low-angle grain boundaries in high-temperature superconductors
A Gurevich, EA Pashitskii
Physical Review B 57 (21), 13878, 1998
Time scales of the flux creep in superconductors
A Gurevich, H Küpfer
Physical Review B 48 (9), 6477, 1993
Limits of the upper critical field in dirty two-gap superconductors
A Gurevich
Physica C: Superconductivity 456 (1-2), 160-169, 2007
Imaging of super-fast dynamics and flow instabilities of superconducting vortices
EZ L. Embon, Y. Anahory, Ž.L. Jelić3, E.O. Lachman, Y. Myasoedov, M.E. Huber ...
Nature Communications 8, 85, 2017
Physics of composite superconductors
AV Gurevich, RG Mints, A Rakhmanov
Moscow Izdatel Nauka, 1987
Iron-based superconductors at high magnetic fields
A Gurevich
Reports on Progress in Physics 74 (12), 124501, 2011
Weak-link behavior of grain boundaries in superconducting Ba (Fe1− xCox) 2As2 bicrystals
S Lee, J Jiang, JD Weiss, CM Folkman, CW Bark, C Tarantini, A Xu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (21), 2009
Nonlocal Josephson electrodynamics and pinning in superconductors
A Gurevich
Physical Review B 46, 3187-3190, 1992
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