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Alexandre Schneider
Alexandre Schneider
URCA/Eisine - PRAG
univ-reims.fr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Topological optimization of internal patterns and support in additive manufacturing
N Gardan, A Schneider
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 37, 417-425, 2015
Simulation of acid rain weathering effect on natural and artificial carbonate stones
S Eyssautier-Chuine, B Marin, C Thomachot-Schneider, G Fronteau, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 75 (9), 1-19, 2016
Numerical investigation of the early flight phase in ski-jumping
N Gardan, A Schneider, G Polidori, H Trenchard, JM Seigneur, ...
Journal of biomechanics 59, 29-34, 2017
Material and process characterization for coupling topological optimization to additive manufacturing
N Gardan, A Schneider, J Gardan
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Special Issue: 3D Printing 12, 2015
Can a new ergonomical ankle–foot orthosis (AFO) device improve patients’ daily life? A preliminary study
R Taiar, C Adel, G Belassian, D Lamare, J Dumont, A Chené, ...
TheoreTical issues in ergonomics science 20 (6), 763-772, 2019
Modelization and Simulation of the Mechanical Vibration Effect on Bones
A Schneider, J Coulon, F Boyer, CB Machado, N Gardan, N Dey, R Taiar
IEEE Conference:Computing for Sustainable Global Development / ISBN 978-93 …, 2015
Optimisation numérique en prototypage rapide
A Schneider, J Gardan, N Gardan
Assises Européenne de Prototypage Rapide 2012 (AEPR'12), 2012
Experimental study of the ageing of building stones exposed to sulfurous and nitric acid atmospheres
S Gibeaux, C Thomachot-Schneider, A Schneider, V Cnudde, T De Kock, ...
13th International congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone …, 2016
Impact of advance fabrics on human biomechanics: example of anti-fatigue mats
R Taiar, TZ Ahram, N Gardan, A Schneider, D Sifaki-Pistolla
Advances in Ergonomics Modeling, Usability & Special Populations …, 2017
Computational fluid dynamics for the nordic combined skiing jump
N Gardan, J Laheurte, E Gouy, N Dey, E Abdi, U Asgher, MA Choukou, ...
Series on Biomechanics 29 (2-3), 31-38, 2015
Influence of smart materials mats on the biomechanical worker behaviour: A numerical approach
R Taiar, T Ahram, N Gardan, A Schneider, E Abdi
Series on Biomechanics 31 (2), 2017
Application to the additive fabrication of Object Oriented Methodology
JF Couturier, A Schneider
MATEC Web of Conferences 80, 08002, 2016
Characterization of an optimized model manufactured by rapid prototyping
A Schneider, N Gardan, J Gardan
CFM'13 Bordeaux, IA48Q34J, 2013
Conception, optimisation et réalisation d’un insert pour moule d’injection plastique par procédé MJM pour la réalisation de petite série de pièces.
A Schneider, N Gardan, J Gardan
AEPR’13, 18th European Forum on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, 2013
Expérimentation de co-conception inter-universitaire
VPLM'12, 2012
Impact of a passive dynamic ankle foot orthosis on gait: Patients with dorsiflexion deficit.
C Adel, R Taiar, G Belassian, D Lamarre, H Teyssedre, J Dumont, ...
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 22 (sup1), S214-S215, 2019
Computational simulation and validation of textiles for the high level sport performance: a new numerical methodological approach
N Gardan, S Lignon, A Schneider, D Sifaki-Pistolla, M Eldessouki, R Taiar
Series on Biomechanics, 2016
Development of a Decision Support Tool for Additive Manufacturing
A Schneider, jean françois couturier
Proceedings of CAD’16, Vancouver, Canada, 137-141, 2016
Comparison of 3D scanning techniques for their application to restored stones
A Schneider, P Vazquez, S Gibeaux, C Thomachot-Schneider
WMESS 2015, At Prague, 64, 2015
NDT in the assessment of restored materials of Saint André Church, Reims.
G Soizic, TS Céline, V Patricia, S Alexandre, L Sébastien, T Aurelie, ...
WMESS 2015, At Prague, 65, 2015
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