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Root-associated fungal microbiota of nonmycorrhizal Arabis alpina and its contribution to plant phosphorus nutrition
J Almario, G Jeena, J Wunder, G Langen, A Zuccaro, G Coupland, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (44), E9403-E9412, 2017
Arabidopsis thaliana and Pseudomonas pathogens exhibit stable associations over evolutionary timescales
TL Karasov, J Almario, C Friedemann, W Ding, M Giolai, D Heavens, ...
Cell host & microbe 24 (1), 168-179. e4, 2018
Distribution of 2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol Biosynthetic Genes among the Pseudomonas spp. Reveals Unexpected Polyphyletism
J Almario, M Bruto, J Vacheron, C Prigent-Combaret, Y Moënne-Loccoz, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 1218, 2017
Rhizosphere ecology and phytoprotection in soils naturally suppressive to T hielaviopsis black root rot of tobacco
J Almario, D Muller, G Défago, Y Moënne‐Loccoz
Environmental Microbiology 16 (7), 1949-1960, 2014
Plant‐mediated effects of soil phosphorus on the root‐associated fungal microbiota in Arabidopsis thaliana
I Fabiańska, N Gerlach, J Almario, M Bucher
New Phytologist 221 (4), 2123-2137, 2019
Monitoring of the relation between 2, 4-diacetylphloroglucinol-producing Pseudomonas and Thielaviopsis basicola populations by real-time PCR in tobacco black root-rot …
J Almario, Y Moënne-Loccoz, D Muller
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 144-155, 2013
Unearthing the plant–microbe quid pro quo in root associations with beneficial fungi
J Almario, I Fabiańska, G Saridis, M Bucher
New Phytologist 234 (6), 1967-1976, 2022
Rhizosphere microbial communities associated with Rhizoctonia damage at the field and disease patch scale
S Donn, J Almario, D Muller, Y Moënne-Loccoz, VVSR Gupta, ...
Applied soil ecology 78, 37-47, 2014
Effect of clay mineralogy on iron bioavailability and rhizosphere transcription of 2, 4-diacetylphloroglucinol biosynthetic genes in biocontrol Pseudomonas protegens
J Almario, C Prigent-Combaret, D Muller, Y Moënne-Loccoz
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 26 (5), 566-574, 2013
The Leaf Microbiome of Arabidopsis Displays Reproducible Dynamics and Patterns throughout the Growing Season
J Almario, M Mahmoudi, S Kroll, M Agler, A Placzek, A Mari, E Kemen
mbio 13 (3), e02825-21, 2022
Assessment of the relationship between geologic origin of soil, rhizobacterial community composition and soil receptivity to tobacco black root rot in Savoie region (France)
J Almario, M Kyselková, J Kopecký, M Ságová-Marečková, D Muller, ...
Plant and soil 371, 397-408, 2013
Evaluation of rhizobacterial indicators of tobacco black root rot suppressiveness in farmers' fields
M Kyselková, J Almario, J Kopecký, M Ságová‐Marečková, J Haurat, ...
Environmental Microbiology Reports 6 (4), 346-353, 2014
Prevalence of type III secretion system in effective biocontrol pseudomonads
J Almario, D Gobbin, G Défago, Y Moënne-Loccoz, F Rezzonico
Research in microbiology 165 (4), 300-304, 2014
Dysfunction in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis has consistent but small effects on the establishment of the fungal microbiota in Lotus japonicus
L Xue, J Almario, I Fabiańska, G Saridis, M Bucher
New Phytologist 224 (1), 409-420, 2019
Obtaining deeper insights into microbiome diversity using a simple method to block host and nontargets in amplicon sequencing
T Mayer, A Mari, J Almario, M Murillo‐Roos, H Syed M. Abdullah, ...
Molecular ecology resources 21 (6), 1952-1965, 2021
Root-associated Helotiales fungi: overlooked players in plant nutrition
P Bruyant, Y Moënne-Loccoz, J Almario
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 191, 109363, 2024
The leaf microbiome of
J Almario, M Mahmoudi, S Kroll, M Agler, A Placzek, A Mari, E Kemen
Arabidopsis, 2022
Obtaining deeper insights into microbiome diversity using a simple method to block host and non-targets in amplicon sequencing
T Mayer, A Mari, J Almario, M Murillo-Roos, M Abdullah, N Dombrowski, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.10. 05.322305, 2020
Microbial communities living inside plant leaves or on the leaf surface are differently shaped by environmental cues
M Mahmoudi, J Almario, K Lutap, K Nieselt, E Kemen
ISME communications 4 (1), ycae103, 2024
Seasonality adaptation patterns of the natural Arabidopsis leaf microbiome over several plant generations are shaped by environmental factors
M Mahmoudi, J Almario, K Lutap, K Nieselt, E Kemen
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