Takip et
Kamalesh Kumar
Kamalesh Kumar
umich.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Cultural diversity's impact on interaction process and performance: Comparing homogeneous and diverse task groups
WE Watson, K Kumar, LK Michaelsen
Academy of management journal 36 (3), 590-602, 1993
Drivers of corporate voluntary disclosure: A framework and empirical evidence from Italy and the United States
G Boesso, K Kumar
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 20 (2), 269-296, 2007
Examining the market orientation-performance relationship: a context-specific study
K Kumar, R Subramanian, C Yauger
Journal of management 24 (2), 201-233, 1998
Examining the link between strategic corporate social responsibility and company performance: An analysis of the best corporate citizens
G Michelon, G Boesso, K Kumar
Corporate social responsibility and environmental management 20 (2), 81-94, 2013
Construction and validation of an instrument for measuring ingratiatory behaviors in organizational settings.
K Kumar, M Beyerlein
Journal of applied psychology 76 (5), 619, 1991
Strategic orientation, innovation patterns and performances of SMEs and large companies
K Kumar, G Boesso, F Favotto, A Menini
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 19 (1), 132-145, 2012
Market orientation and performance: does organizational strategy matter?
K Kumar, R Subramanian, K Strandholm
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) 18 (1), 2002
Examining the interrelationships among perceived environmental change, strategic response, managerial characteristics, and organizational performance
K Strandholm, K Kumar, R Subramanian
Journal of Business Research 57 (1), 58-68, 2004
Competitive strategy, environmental scanning and performance: a context specific analysis of their relationship
K Kumar, R Subramanian, K Strandholm
International Journal of commerce and Management 11 (1), 1-33, 2001
Descriptive, instrumental and strategic approaches to corporate social responsibility: Do they drive the financial performance of companies differently?
G Boesso, K Kumar, G Michelon
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 26 (3), 399-422, 2013
An investigation of stakeholder prioritization and engagement: who or what really counts
G Boesso, K Kumar
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 5 (1), 62-80, 2009
Differences in decision making regarding risk taking: A comparison of culturally diverse and culturally homogeneous task groups
WE Watson, K Kumar
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 16 (1), 53-65, 1992
Stakeholder prioritization and reporting: Evidence from Italy and the US
G Boesso, K Kumar
Accounting Forum 33 (2), 162-175, 2009
Pure versus hybrid: performance implications of Porter's generic strategies
K Kumar, R Subramanian, C Yauger
Health care management review 22 (4), 47-60, 1997
Process gain and process loss: Comparing interpersonal processes and performance of culturally diverse and non-diverse teams across time
WE Watson, L Johnson, K Kumar, J Critelli
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 22 (4), 409-430, 1998
Porters strategic types: Differences in internal processes and their impact on performance
K Kumar, R Subramanian
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) 14 (1), 107-124, 1998
Organizational politics and planned organization change: a pragmatic approach
K Kumar, MS Thibodeaux
Group & Organization Studies 15 (4), 357-365, 1990
The scanning of task environments in hospitals: An empirical study
R Subramanian, K Kumar, C Yauger
Journal of Applied Business Research 10 (4), 104, 1994
Examining the association between stakeholder culture, stakeholder salience and stakeholder engagement activities: An empirical study
G Boesso, K Kumar
Management Decision 54 (4), 815-831, 2016
Salespeople’s use of upward influence tactics (UITs) in coping with role stress
SA Nonis, JK Sager, K Kumar
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 24, 44-56, 1996
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