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Audrey Courtain
Audrey Courtain
ulg.ac.be üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Exploration of dating violence and related attitudes among adolescents and emerging adults
A Courtain, F Glowacz
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (5-6), NP2975-NP2998, 2021
Youth’s conflict resolution strategies in their dating relationships
A Courtain, F Glowacz
Journal of youth and adolescence 48 (2), 256-268, 2019
Sexual coercion in adolescence: From non-consensual sexuality to sexuality under constraint
F Glowacz, M Goblet, A Courtain
Sexologies 27 (2), e33-e37, 2018
Violences au sein des relations amoureuses des adolescents et jeunes adultes: une réalité à ne pas négliger
F Glowacz, A Courtain
Champ pénal/Penal field 14, 2017
Perpetration of dating violence among Belgian youth: Impulsivity, verbal skills, and empathy as risk and protective factors?
F Glowacz, A Courtain
Violence and victims 36 (1), 110-131, 2021
Measuring dating violence: Conflict or non-conflict related instructions?
A Courtain, F Glowacz
European review of applied psychology 69 (1), 1-8, 2019
Coercition sexuelle à l’adolescence: de la sexualité non consentie à la sexualité sous contrainte
F Glowacz, M Goblet, A Courtain
Sexologies 27 (2), 104-112, 2018
Peur de l’intimité dans la relation amoureuse adolescente: implication de l’attachement parental et de l’attachement romantique
A Courtain, F Glowacz
Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique 175 (4), 339-344, 2017
Pathways of running away among Belgian youth
F Glowacz, J Léonard, A Courtain
Youth & Society 52 (2), 143-165, 2020
Can you resist the influence of others? Altercentrism, egocentrism and interpersonal personality traits
H Bukowski, A Courtain, D Samson
Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, 2013
Chapitre 15-Les agresseurs sexuels présentant une déficience intellectuelle ou un trouble du spectre autistique
F Glowacz, A Courtain, B Dassylva
Traité de l’agression sexuelle, 291-308, 2017
Violence dans les relations amoureuses des adolescents et jeunes adultes: entre théorie du conflit et pensée féministe
A Courtain, F Glowacz
Alcohol use and dating violence among college students
F Glowacz, A Courtain
European Review of Applied Psychology 71 (1), 100608, 2021
A multifaceted approach of dating violence among adolescents and emerging adults
A Courtain, F Glowacz
Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences BAPS 2019, 2019
Perpetrated and sustained dating violence among adolescents and emerging adults. Violences agies et subies dans les relations amoureuses des adolescents et adultes émergeants
A Courtain
Université de Liège, 2019
How do empathy, impulsivity and verbal skills impact male-perpetrated dating violence?
A Courtain, F Glowacz
International Association for Women Mental Health (IAWMH), 2019
Violences dans les relations amoureuses: quels fondements épistémologiques?
A Courtain, F Glowacz
16ème Association Internationale des Criminologues de Langue Française (AICLF), 2018
Violences dans les relations amoureuses: perpétration et victimisation genrées?
A Courtain, F Glowacz
16ème Association des Criminologues de Langue Française (AICLF), 2018
Attitudes toward dating violence among adolescents and emerging adults
A Courtain, F Glowacz
Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), 2018
Dating violence among adolescents and emerging adults–what attitudes regarding sex of the perpetrator and of the victim?
A Courtain, F Glowacz
29ème International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), 2018
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