Information management as an enabler of knowledge management maturity: A South African perspective CJN Kruger, RD Johnson International journal of information management 30 (1), 57-67, 2010 | 145 | 2010 |
Feedback channels: Using social presence theory to compare voice mail to e-mail M Keil, RD Johnson Journal of Information Systems Education 13 (4), 295-302, 2002 | 110 | 2002 |
Is there a correlation between knowledge management maturity and organizational performance? CJ Kruger, RD Johnson Vine 41 (3), 265-295, 2011 | 80 | 2011 |
Technical Projects: Understanding Teamwork Satisfaction In an Introductory IS Course. NP Napier, RD Johnson Journal of Information Systems Education 18 (1), 2007 | 60 | 2007 |
Combining perceptions and prescriptions in requirements engineering process assessment: an industrial case study NP Napier, L Mathiassen, RD Johnson IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 35 (5), 593-606, 2009 | 53 | 2009 |
Project management courses in IS graduate programs: What is being taught? SM Du, RD Johnson, M Keil Journal of Information Systems Education 15 (2), 181-188, 2004 | 48 | 2004 |
Principles in knowledge management maturity: a South African perspective CJ Kruger, RD Johnson Journal of Knowledge Management 14 (4), 540-556, 2010 | 42 | 2010 |
Assessment of knowledge management growth: a South Africa perspective CJ Kruger, RD Johnson Aslib proceedings 61 (6), 542-564, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
Cognitive mapping: a process to support strategic planning in an academic department RD Johnson, A Lipp Group Decision and Negotiation 16, 43-60, 2007 | 35 | 2007 |
The deaf effect response to bad news reporting in information systems projects MJ Cuellar, M Keil, RD Johnson e-Service Journal 5 (1), 75-97, 2006 | 35 | 2006 |
Continuing the discourse of women in information technology: A South African perspective HW Pretorius, T Mawela, I Strydom, C Villiers, RD Johnson Gender, Technology and Development 19 (3), 346-369, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Long-term conservation agriculture and best nutrient management improves productivity and profitability coupled with soil properties of a maize–chickpea rotation V Pooniya, RR Zhiipao, N Biswakarma, SL Jat, D Kumar, CM Parihar, ... Scientific Reports 11 (1), 10386, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Knowledge management according to organisational size: A South African perspective CJ Kruger, RD Johnson Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
The measurement of information system use: preliminary considerations MJ Cuellar, ER McLean, RD Johnson Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on computer personnel …, 2006 | 27 | 2006 |
Adam Smith's radical views on property, distributive justice and the market RD Johnson Review of Social Economy 48 (3), 247-271, 1990 | 27 | 1990 |
The role of a bad news reporter in information technology project escalation: A deaf effect perspective JS Lee, MJ Cuellar, M Keil, RD Johnson ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 45 (3 …, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Influence processes of implementation effectiveness in challenged information technology projects in Africa N Muganda Ochara, J Kandiri, R Johnson Information Technology & People 27 (3), 318-340, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
Internet-Enabled Audio Communication: A Richer Medium For Students Feedback? RD Johnson, M Keil | 20 | 2002 |
A survey of complementary and alternative medicine knowledge among health educators in the United States P Johnson, JL Priestley, RD Johnson American Journal of Health Education 39 (2), 66-79, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
Extracting a revised labor supply theory from Becker's model of the household RD Johnson The journal of socio-economics 39 (2), 241-250, 2010 | 12 | 2010 |