Takip et
David Espes
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Characterization of a landslide geometry using 3D seismic refraction traveltime tomography: The La Valette landslide case history
K Samyn, J Travelletti, A Bitri, G Grandjean, JP Malet
Journal of Applied Geophysics 86, 120-132, 2012
Software defined networking reactive stateful firewall
S Zerkane, D Espes, P Le Parc, F Cuppens
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection: 31st IFIP TC 11 International …, 2016
Routing algorithm to increase throughput in ad hoc networks
D Espes, Z Mammeri
International Conference on Networking, International Conference on Systems …, 2006
A framework for anomaly diagnosis in smart homes based on ontology
E Pardo, D Espes, P Le-Parc
Procedia computer science 83, 545-552, 2016
Anomaly-based intrusion detection system for in-flight and network security in uav swarm
LM Da Silva, IG Ferrão, C Dezan, D Espes, KR Branco
2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 812-819, 2023
A cross-layer MAC and routing protocol based on slotted aloha for wireless sensor networks
D Espes, X Lagrange, L Suárez
Annals of Telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 70, 159-169, 2015
A novel bi-anomaly-based intrusion detection system approach for industry 4.0
S Alem, D Espes, L Nana, E Martin, F De Lamotte
Future Generation Computer Systems 145, 267-283, 2023
Enhancing network slice security via Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and solutions
L Suárez, D Espes, P Le Parc, F Cuppens, P Bertin, CT Phan
Conférence C&ESAR 2018, 2018
Security and safety concerns in air taxis: a systematic literature review
IG Ferrão, D Espes, C Dezan, KRLJC Branco
Sensors 22 (18), 6875, 2022
Vulnerability analysis of software defined networking
S Zerkane, D Espes, P Le Parc, F Cuppens
Foundations and Practice of Security: 9th International Symposium, FPS 2016 …, 2017
Security analysis of WirelessHART communication scheme
L Bayou, D Espes, N Cuppens-Boulahia, F Cuppens
Foundations and Practice of Security: 9th International Symposium, FPS 2016 …, 2017
Towards a cds-based intrusion detection deployment scheme for securing industrial wireless sensor networks
L Bayou, N Cuppens-Boulahia, D Espes, F Cuppen
2016 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security …, 2016
Adaptive expanding search methods to improve AODV Protocol
D Espes, Z Mammeri
2007 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, 1-5, 2007
Ultra-wideband positioning for assistance robots for elderly
D Espes, A Daher, Y Autret, E Radoi, P Le Parc
The 10th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern …, 2013
Approach for Reducing Control Packets in AODV-Based MANETs
D Espes, C Teyssie
Fourth European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN'07), 93-104, 2007
Delay and bandwidth constrained routing with throughput optimization in tdma-based manets
D Espes, Z Mammeri
2009 3rd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security …, 2009
Security issue of wirelesshart based SCADA systems
L Bayou, D Espes, N Cuppens-Boulahia, F Cuppens
Risks and Security of Internet and Systems: 10th International Conference …, 2016
A hybrid intrusion detection system in industry 4.0 based on ISA95 standard
S Alem, D Espes, E Martin, L Nana, F De Lamotte
2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2019
Protocoles de routage réactifs pour l'optimisation de bande passante et la garantie de délai dans les réseaux ad hoc mobiles
D Espès
Toulouse 3, 2008
STUART: ReSilient archiTecture to dynamically manage Unmanned aeriAl vehicle networks under atTack
IG Ferrão, DF Pigatto, JVC Fontes, NBF Silva, D Espes, C Dezan, ...
2020 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 1-6, 2020
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