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Mohamed Tharwat Said
Mohamed Tharwat Said
Professor of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University
agr.aun.edu.eg üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
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Alıntı yapanlar
Impact of fumigation with phosphine on viability of wheat grains stored for six months at two levels of moisture content, in addition to description of four new records of …
OA Al-Bedak, EAE Teama, EA Ali, MT Said, EM Shalaby, AMM Zainab
Journal of Basic & Applied Mycology 11, 77-97, 2020
The geochemical characteristics of the Mesozoic and Tertiary hydrocarbons in the Western Desert and Nile Delta basins, Egypt
MA Halim, M Said, T El Azhary
13th Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation Exploration and Production …, 1996
Genetic Mapping Reveals Novel Exotic and Elite QTL Alleles for Salinity Tolerance in Barley
MA Sayed, SM Nassar, ES Moustafa, MT Said, A Börner, A Hamada
Agronomy 11 (9), 1774, 2021
Falls and associated risk factors in a sample of old age population in Egyptian community
AEHI El Sayed, MT Said, O Mohsen, AM Abozied, M Salama
Frontiers in public health 11, 1068314, 2023
Modeling of Phosphorus Nutrition to Obtain Maximum Yield, High P Use Efficiency and Low P-Loss Risk for Wheat Grown in Sandy Calcareous Soils
Z Hu, Z Ding, HM Al-Yasi, EF Ali, MA Eissa, SF Abou-Elwafa, MA Sayed, ...
Agronomy 11 (10), 1950, 2021
Impact of Foliar Spraying with Antioxidant and Intercropping Pattern of Maize and Soybean on Yields and its Attributes
MT Said, WA Hamd-Alla
J. Plant Production, Mansoura Univ., 9 (12), 1069 - 1073, 2018
Estimation of Heterosis and Combining Ability Effects on Grain Yield and Some Agronomic Traits of Sorghum under Three NPK Fertilizers Levels
MA Sayed, MT Said
Egypt. J. Agron. 38 (2), 257-278, 2016
Evaluation of Local Bread Wheat Cultivars for Grain Yield and Its Attributes at Different Sowing Dates under Assiut Conditions
MA Sayed, MT Said, MA El-Rawy
Egyptian Journal of Agronomy 43 (2), 189- 206, 2021
Response of two bread wheat cultivars to foliar spray by salicylic and ascorbic acids under water stress conditions
MT Said, AMA AbdEl-Moneem
Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 47 (6-2), 391-404, 2016
Generation of oil from coal sequences in the Western Desert, Egypt
MA Bagge, R Harding, T El Azhary, M Said
9th Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation Exploration and Production …, 1988
Organic geochemical study in Melehia area, Western Desert, Egypt: Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation
M Taher, M Said, T El-Azhary
9th Exploration and Production Seminar, Cairo, 1-28, 1988
Effect of Plant Density and Nitrogen Fertilizer Splitting on the Production of Sunflower
MR Farweez, EA Teama, GR El-Nager, MT Said
Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 52 (2), 64, 2020
Response of Three Bread Wheat Cultivars to Foliar Spray by Some Micro-Nutrients Nano-Particles
H Makarem, IA El-Far, EA Ali, MT Said
Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 50 (4), 9-21, 2019
Evaluation of the liver condition in chronic hepatitis C virus patients with and without vasculitis
AA Shahin, HS Zayed, RI El Shazly, M Said
The Egyptian Rheumatologist 36 (4), 187-193, 2014
Organic geochemical study in Meleiha area, Western Desert, Egypt
M Taher, M Said, T El-Azhary
EGPC 9th Petroleum Exploration and Production Conference, Cairo, 190-212, 1988
A Predictive Study of the Redistribution of Some Bread Wheat Genotypes in Response to Climate Change in Egypt
A Hamada, MT Said, KM Ibrahim, M Saber, MA Sayed
Agronomy 12 (1), 113, 2022
Impact of Planting Methods on Some Sesame Cultivars Production
AM Mahmoud, EA Ali, MT Said, AH Abdelazeem, AM Salem
Assiut J. Agric. Sci. 51 (3), 49-61, 2020
Design and implementation of the European‐Mediterranean Postgraduate Programme on Organ Donation and Transplantation (EMPODaT) for Middle East/North Africa countries
C Ballesté, R Valero, M Istrate, P Peralta, AA Mosharafa, AA Morsy, ...
Transplant International 34 (8), 1553-1565, 2021
Response of Some Bread Wheat Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer Splitting Under Sandy Soil Conditions
MT Said, AMA AbdEl-Moneem
J. Plant Production, Mansoura Univ. 7 (9), 1013-1019, 2016
Physiological Response Of Egyptian Cotton To Some Cultural Practices In Assiut Governorate
MT Said, EMM Shalaby, HMA El-Rahim, AY Allam
Assiut J. of Agric. Sci. 42 (2), 63-80, 2011
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