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Marlit Annalena Lindner
Marlit Annalena Lindner
Leibniz-Institute for Science & Mathematics Education Kiel (IPN), Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF)
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Alıntı yapanlar
Did Students Learn Less During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Reading and Mathematics Competencies Before and After the First Pandemic Wave
J Schult, N Mahler, B Fauth, MA Lindner
School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 2021
EEG-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals rapid shifts in motor cortical excitability during the human sleep slow oscillation
TO Bergmann, M Mölle, MA Schmidt, C Lindner, L Marshall, J Born, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (1), 243-253, 2012
Identifying processes underlying the multimedia effect in testing: An eye-movement analysis
MA Lindner, A Eitel, B Strobel, O Köller
Learning and instruction 47, 91-102, 2017
An integrative study on learning and testing with multimedia: Effects on students’ performance and metacognition
MA Lindner, A Eitel, J Barenthien, O Köller
Learning and Instruction 71, 101100, 2021
Tracking the decision‐making process in multiple‐choice assessment: Evidence from eye movements
MA Lindner, A Eitel, GB Thoma, IM Dalehefte, JM Ihme, O Köller
Applied Cognitive Psychology 28 (5), 738-752, 2014
The Onset of Rapid-Guessing Behavior Over the Course of Testing Time: A Matter of Motivation and Cognitive Resources
MA Lindner, O Lüdtke, G Nagy
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2019
Representational and decorative pictures in science and mathematics tests: Do they make a difference?
MA Lindner
Learning and Instruction 68, 101345, 2020
Exploring preschool teachers’ science-specific knowledge
J Barenthien, MA Lindner, T Ziegler, M Steffensky
Early Years 40 (3), 335-350, 2020
Effects of computer-based feedback on lower-and higher-order learning outcomes: A network meta-analysis.
U Mertens, B Finn, MA Lindner
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2022
Long-Term Consequences of Repeated School Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Reading and Mathematics Competencies
J Schult, N Mahler, B Fauth, MA Lindner
Frontiers in Education, 2022
Multiple-Choice-Prüfungen an Hochschulen? Ein Literaturüberblick und Plädoyer für mehr praxisorientierte Forschung
MA Lindner, B Strobel, O Köller
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 29 (3-4), 133-149, 2015
Task-irrelevant data impair processing of graph reading tasks: An eye tracking study
B Strobel, MA Lindner, S Saß, O Köller
Learning and Instruction 55, 139-147, 2018
The merits of representational pictures in educational assessment: Evidence for cognitive and motivational effects in a time-on-task analysis
MA Lindner, O Lüdtke, S Grund, O Köller
Contemporary Educational Psychology 51, 482-492, 2017
How representational pictures enhance students’ performance and test-taking pleasure in low-stakes assessment.
MA Lindner, JM Ihme, S Saß, O Köller
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 34 (6), 376, 2018
Test-takers’ eye movements: Effects of integration aids and types of graphical representations
S Saß, K Schütte, MA Lindner
Computers & Education 109, 85-97, 2017
Do graph readers prefer the graph type most suited to a given task? Insights from eye tracking
B Strobel, S Saß, MA Lindner, O Köller
Journal of Eye Movement Research 9 (4), 1-15, 2016
Do seductive details do their damage in the context of graph comprehension? Insights from eye movements
B Strobel, S Grund, MA Lindner
Applied Cognitive Psychology 33 (1), 95-108, 2019
Computer-based knowledge of results feedback in different delivery modes: Effects on performance, motivation, and achievement emotions
L Kuklick, MA Lindner
Contemporary Educational Psychology 67, 102001, 2021
Die 5-Item-Skala zur Messung der momentan verfügbaren Selbstkontrollkapazität (SMS-5) im Lern-und Leistungskontext: Eine Validierungsstudie
C Lindner, MA Lindner, J Retelsdorf
Diagnostica 65 (4), 228-242, 2019
The role of rapid guessing and test‐taking persistence in modelling test‐taking engagement
G Nagy, E Ulitzsch, MA Lindner
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 39 (3), 751-766, 2023
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