Takip et
Junye Wang
Junye Wang
Professor and CAIP Chair, Athabasca University
athabascau.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Techno-Economic Challenges of Fuel Cell Commercialization
J Wang, H Wang, Y Fan
Engineering 4, 352-360, 2018
Barriers of scaling-up fuel cells: Cost, durability and reliability
J Wang
Energy 80, 509–521, 2015
Theory of flow distribution in manifolds
J Wang
Chemical engineering journal 168 (3), 1331-1345, 2011
Theory and practice of flow field designs for fuel cell scaling-up: A critical review
J Wang
Applied Energy 157, 640-663, 2015
Machine learning in modelling land-use and land cover-change (LULCC): Current status, challenges and prospects
J Wang, M Bretz, MAA Dewan, M Aghajani Delavar
Science of The Total Environment, 153559, 2022
Pressure drop and flow distribution in parallel-channel configurations of fuel cells: U-type arrangement
J Wang
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 (21), 6339-6350, 2008
System integration, durability and reliability of fuel cells: Challenges and solutions
J Wang
Applied Energy 189, 460-479, 2017
Assessing climate change impacts on fresh water resources of the Athabasca River Basin, Canada
NK Shrestha, X Du, J Wang
Science of The Total Environment 601, 425–440, 2017
Domain-decomposition method for parallel lattice Boltzmann simulation of incompressible flow in porous media
J Wang, X Zhang, AG Bengough, JW Crawford
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (1 …, 2005
Pressure drop and flow distribution in parallel-channel configurations of fuel cells: Z-type arrangement
J Wang
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (11), 5498-5509, 2010
Flow‐field designs of bipolar plates in PEM fuel cells: theory and applications
J Wang, H Wang
Fuel cells 12 (6), 989-1003, 2012
Water Quality Management of a Cold Climate Region Watershed in Changing Climate
NK Shrestha, J Wang
Journal of Environmental Informatics 35 (1), 56-80, 2020
Decentralized biogas technology of anaerobic digestion and farm ecosystem: opportunities and challenges
J Wang
Frontiers in Energy Research 2, 10, 2014
Predicting sediment yield and transport dynamics of a cold climate region watershed in changing climate
NK Shrestha, J Wang
Science of the Total Environment 625, 1030-1045, 2018
Numerical investigation of the effect of magnetic field on the onset of nanofluid convection
D Yadav, J Wang, J Lee, HH Cho
Applied Thermal Engineering 103, 1441-1449, 2016
Analytical solution of flow coefficients for a uniformly distributed porous channel
J Wang, Z Gao, G Gan, D Wu
Chemical Engineering Journal 84 (1), 1-6, 2001
Assessing climate change impacts on stream temperature in the Athabasca River Basin using SWAT equilibrium temperature model and its potential impacts on stream ecosystem
X Du, NK Shrestha, J Wang
Science of The Total Environment 650, 1872-1881, 2019
Modelling carbon dioxide emissions from agricultural soils in Canada
D Yadav, J Wang
Environmental Pollution 230, 1040-1049, 2017
Discrete approach for flow field designs of parallel channel configurations in fuel cells
J Wang, H Wang
International journal of hydrogen energy 37 (14), 10881-10897, 2012
Discrete method for design of flow distribution in manifolds
J Wang, H Wang
Applied Thermal Engineering 89, 927-945, 2015
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