Takip et
Belmiro M Castro
Belmiro M Castro
Professor de Oceanografia Física da Universidade de São Paulo
usp.br üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Physical oceanography of the western Atlantic continental shelf located between 4 N and 34 S
BM Castro Filho, LB Miranda
The Sea 11, 209-251, 1998
Princípios de oceanografia física de estuários
LB Miranda, BM Castro, B Kjerfve
EDUSP, Sao Paulo, 2002
Condições hidrográficas na plataforma continental ao largo de Ubatuba: variações sazonais e em média escala
BM Castro Filho, LB Miranda, SY Miyao
Bolm Inst. oceanogr., S Paulo 35 (2), 135-151, 1987
Annual cycle and variability of the North Brazil Current
WE Johns, TN Lee, RC Beardsley, J Candela, R Limeburner, B Castro
Journal of Physical Oceanography 28 (1), 103-128, 1998
Physical oceanography of the Amazon shelf
WR Geyer, RC Beardsley, SJ Lentz, J Candela, R Limeburner, WE Johns, ...
Continental Shelf Research 16 (5-6), 575-616, 1996
Estrutura termohalina e circulação na região entre o Cabo de São Tomé (RJ) eo Chuí (RS)
BM Castro, JA Lorenzzetti, ICA Silveira, LB Miranda
O ambiente oceanográfico da Plataforma Continental e do Talude na Região …, 2006
The M2 tide on the Amazon Shelf
RC Beardsley, J Candela, R Limeburner, WR Geyer, SJ Lentz, BM Castro, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 100 (C2), 2283-2319, 1995
On the baroclinic structure of the Brazil Current-Intermediate Western Boundary Current system at 22-23 S
ICA Silveira, L Calado, M Cirano, BM Castro Filho, JA Lima, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 31, 1-5, 2004
Eddy-induced upwelling off cape são tomé (22 s, Brazil)
L Calado, ICA Da Silveira, A Gangopadhyay, BM De Castro
Continental Shelf Research 30 (10-11), 1181-1188, 2010
Hydrographic climatology of South Brazil Bight shelf waters between Sao Sebastiao (24 S) and Cabo Sao Tome (22 S)
C Cerda, BM Castro
Continental Shelf Research 89, 5-14, 2014
Correntes e massas de água da plataforma continental norte de São Paulo
BM Castro Filho
Wind‐forced sea level variability on the southeast Brazilian shelf
BM Castro, TN Lee
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 100 (C8), 16045-16056, 1995
Experiment studies circulation in the Western South Atlantic
EJD Campos, Y Ikeda, BM Castro, SA Gaeta, JA Lorenzzetti, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 77 (27), 253-259, 1996
Multidisciplinary oceanographic processes on the Western Atlantic continental shelf between 4 N and 34 S
BM Castro, FP Brandini, AM Pires-Vanin, LB Miranda
The Sea 14, 259-293, 2005
The physical oceanography of the Amazon outflow
WR Geyer, RC Beardsley, J Candela, BM Castro, RV Legeckis, SJ Lentz, ...
Oceanography 4 (1), 8-14, 1991
Physical oceanography of the SW Atlantic Shelf: a review
AR Piola, ED Palma, AA Bianchi, BM Castro, M Dottori, RA Guerrero, ...
Plankton ecology of the Southwestern Atlantic: from the subtropical to the …, 2018
Summer/winter stratification variability in the central part of the South Brazil Bight
BM Castro
Continental Shelf Research 89, 15-23, 2014
Vertical structure, energetics, and dynamics of the Brazil Current System at 22 S–28 S
CB Rocha, ICA da Silveira, BM Castro, JAM Lima
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (1), 52-69, 2014
Circulation and mixing due to tidal forcing in the Bertioga Channel, São Paulo, Brazil
LB de Miranda, BM de Castro, B Kjerfve
Estuaries 21, 204-214, 1998
Coastal upwelling off Cape São Tomé (22 S, Brazil): The supporting role of deep ocean processes
A Palóczy, ICA Da Silveira, BM Castro, L Calado
Continental Shelf Research 89, 38-50, 2014
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