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Adam Abersteiner
Adam Abersteiner
adelaide.edu.au üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Can primitive kimberlite melts be alkali‐carbonate liquids: Composition of the melt snapshots preserved in deepest mantle xenoliths
AV Golovin, IS Sharygin, AV Korsakov, VS Kamenetsky, A Abersteiner
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 51 (9), 1849-1867, 2020
Cr-rich clinopyroxene megacrysts from the Grib kimberlite, Arkhangelsk province, Russia: relation to clinopyroxene–phlogopite xenoliths and evidence for mantle metasomatism by …
AV Kargin, LV Sazonova, AA Nosova, NM Lebedeva, VV Tretyachenko, ...
Lithos 292, 34-48, 2017
Petrographic and melt-inclusion constraints on the petrogenesis of a magmaclast from the Venetia kimberlite cluster, South Africa
A Abersteiner, A Giuliani, VS Kamenetsky, D Phillips
Chemical Geology 455, 331-341, 2017
Composition and emplacement of the Benfontein kimberlite sill complex (Kimberley, South Africa): Textural, petrographic and melt inclusion constraints
A Abersteiner, VS Kamenetsky, K Goemann, A Giuliani, GH Howarth, ...
Lithos 324, 297-314, 2019
Monticellite in group-I kimberlites: Implications for evolution of parental melts and post-emplacement CO2 degassing
A Abersteiner, VS Kamenetsky, DG Pearson, M Kamenetsky, K Goemann, ...
Chemical Geology 478, 76-88, 2018
Was crustal contamination involved in the formation of the serpentine-free Udachnaya-East kimberlite? New insights into parental melts, liquidus assemblage and effects of …
A Abersteiner, VS Kamenetsky, AV Golovin, M Kamenetsky, K Goemann
Journal of Petrology 59 (8), 1467-1492, 2018
Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic systematic and geochronology of ultramafic alkaline magmatism of the southwestern margin of the Siberian Craton: Metasomatism of the sub-continental …
AA Nosova, AV Kargin, LV Sazonova, EO Dubinina, AV Chugaev, ...
Lithos 364, 105509, 2020
Polymineralic inclusions in kimberlite-hosted megacrysts: implications for kimberlite melt evolution
A Abersteiner, VS Kamenetsky, K Goemann, AV Golovin, IS Sharygin, ...
Lithos 336, 310-325, 2019
Chromium spinel in Late Quaternary volcanic rocks from Kamchatka: implications for spatial compositional variability of subarc mantle and its oxidation state
N Nekrylov, MV Portnyagin, VS Kamenetsky, NL Mironov, TG Churikova, ...
Lithos 322, 212-224, 2018
Significance of halogens (F, Cl) in kimberlite melts: Insights from mineralogy and melt inclusions in the Roger pipe (Ekati, Canada)
A Abersteiner, VS Kamenetsky, M Kamenetsky, K Goemann, K Ehrig, ...
Chemical Geology 478, 148-163, 2018
Unique Cu-rich sulphide ores of the Southern-2 orebody in the Talnakh Intrusion, Noril’sk area (Russia): Geochemistry, mineralogy and conditions of crystallization
N Tolstykh, N Krivolutskaya, I Safonova, M Shapovalova, L Zhitova, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 122, 103525, 2020
Djerfisherite in kimberlites and their xenoliths: implications for kimberlite melt evolution
A Abersteiner, VS Kamenetsky, K Goemann, AV Golovin, IS Sharygin, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174, 1-22, 2019
Tracing widespread Early Miocene ignimbrite eruptions and petrogenesis at the onset of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region silicic volcanism
M Brlek, SR Tapster, J Schindlbeck-Belo, SP Gaynor, S Kutterolf, F Hauff, ...
Gondwana Research 116, 40-60, 2023
Hybrid nature of the platinum group element chromite-rich rocks of the Norilsk 1 intrusion: Genetic constraints from Cr spinel and spinel-hosted multiphase inclusions
IF Chayka, VS Kamenetsky, LM Zhitova, AE Izokh, ND Tolstykh, ...
Economic Geology 115 (6), 1321-1342, 2020
Contact metamorphic and metasomatic processes at the Kharaelakh intrusion, Oktyabrsk deposit, Norilsk-Talnakh ore district: Application of LA-ICP-MS dating of perovskite …
AE Marfin, AV Ivanov, VS Kamenetsky, A Abersteiner, TY Yakich, ...
Economic Geology 115 (6), 1213-1226, 2020
A genetic story of olivine crystallisation in the Mark kimberlite (Canada) revealed by zoning and melt inclusions
A Abersteiner, VS Kamenetsky, K Goemann, BA Kjarsgaard, T Rodemann, ...
Lithos 358, 105405, 2020
High explosivity of the June 21, 2019 eruption of Raikoke volcano (Central Kuril Islands); mineralogical and petrological constraints on the pyroclastic materials
SZ Smirnov, IR Nizametdinov, TY Timina, AA Kotov, VS Sekisova, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 418, 107346, 2021
Carbon compounds in the West Kimberley lamproites (Australia): Insights from melt and fluid inclusions
A Abersteiner, A Golovin, I Chayka, VS Kamenetsky, K Goemann, ...
Gondwana Research 109, 536-557, 2022
Olivine in kimberlites: magma evolution from deep mantle to eruption
A Abersteiner, VS Kamenetsky, K Goemann, A Golovin, M Kamenetsky
Journal of Petrology 63 (7), egac055, 2022
Primitive high-K intraoceanic arc magmas of Eastern Kamchatka: Implications for Paleo-Pacific tectonics and magmatism in the Cretaceous
AV Kutyrev, VS Kamenetsky, JW Park, R Maas, EI Demonterova, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 220, 103703, 2021
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