Takip et
A. Rakhmanov
A. Rakhmanov
Институт теоретической и прикладной электродинамики Российской академии наук
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Alıntı yapanlar
Electronic properties of graphene-based bilayer systems
AV Rozhkov, AO Sboychakov, AL Rakhmanov, F Nori
Physics Reports 648, 1-104, 2016
Critical state stability in type-II superconductors and superconducting-normal-metal composites
RG Mints, AL Rakhmanov
Reviews of Modern Physics 53 (3), 551, 1981
Physics of composite superconductors
AV Gurevich, RG Mints, A Rakhmanov
Moscow Izdatel Nauka, 1987
Terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors: spectrum, generation, nonlinear and quantum phenomena
S Savel'ev, VA Yampol'Skii, AL Rakhmanov, F Nori
Reports on Progress in Physics 73 (2), 026501, 2010
Quantum metamaterials: Electromagnetic waves in a Josephson qubit line
AL Rakhmanov, AM Zagoskin, S Savel’ev, F Nori
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (14), 144507, 2008
Instabilities of the -Stacked Graphene Bilayer
AL Rakhmanov, AV Rozhkov, AO Sboychakov, F Nori
Physical Review Letters 109 (20), 206801, 2012
Dendritic and uniform flux jumps in superconducting films
DV Denisov, AL Rakhmanov, DV Shantsev, YM Galperin, TH Johansen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (1), 014512, 2006
Instabilities in superconductors
RG Mints, AL Rakhmanov
Moscow, Nauka, 1984
Electronic spectrum of twisted bilayer graphene
A.O. Sboychakov, A.L. Rakhmanov, A.V. Rozhkov, Franco Nori
Physical Review B 92, 075402, 2015
Universal scaling law for quench development in HTSC devices
AL Rakhmanov, VS Vysotsky, YA Ilyin, T Kiss, M Takeo
Cryogenics 40 (1), 19-27, 2000
Analogues of nonlinear optics using terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors
S Savel’ev, AL Rakhmanov, VA Yampol’skii, F Nori
Nature Physics 2 (8), 521-525, 2006
Model for phase separation controlled by doping and the internal chemical pressure in different cuprate superconductors
KI Kugel, AL Rakhmanov, AO Sboychakov, N Poccia, A Bianconi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (16), 165124, 2008
Finger patterns produced by thermomagnetic instability in superconductors
AL Rakhmanov, DV Shantsev, YM Galperin, TH Johansen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (22), 224502, 2004
Layered superconductors as negative-refractive-index metamaterials
AL Rakhmanov, VA Yampol’Skii, JA Fan, F Capasso, F Nori
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (7), 075101, 2010
Using Josephson Vortex Lattices to Control Terahertz Radiation:<? format?> Tunable Transparency and Terahertz Photonic Crystals
S Savel’ev, AL Rakhmanov, F Nori
Physical review letters 94 (15), 157004, 2005
Resistivity and 1/f noise in nonmetallic phase-separated manganites
AL Rakhmanov, KI Kugel, YM Blanter, MY Kagan
Physical Review B 63 (17), 174424, 2001
Phase separation in Jahn-Teller systems with localized and itinerant electrons
KI Kugel, AL Rakhmanov, AO Sboychakov
Physical review letters 95 (26), 267210, 2005
Hybrid Energy Transfer Line With Liquid Hydrogen and Superconducting Cable—First Experimental Proof of Concept
VS Vysotsky, AA Nosov, SS Fetisov, GG Svalov, VV Kostyuk, EV Blagov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 23 (3), 5400906-5400906, 2013
Generation of tunable terahertz out-of-plane radiation using Josephson vortices in modulated layered superconductors
S Savel’ev, V Yampol’skii, A Rakhmanov, F Nori
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (14), 144515, 2005
A two-band model for the phase separation induced by the chemical mismatch pressure indifferent cuprate superconductors
KI Kugel, AL Rakhmanov, AO Sboychakov, FV Kusmartsev, N Poccia, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 22 (1), 014007, 2008
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