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Lorenzo Cañás Bottos
Lorenzo Cañás Bottos
Diğer adlarLorenzo Canas Botto, Lorenzo Canas Botos, Lorenzo Canas Boto
Professor of Social Anthropology
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Alıntı yapanlar
Fluid or frozen? Choice and change in ethno-national identification in contemporary Northern Ireland
J Todd, T O'keefe, N Rougier, L Cañás Bottos
Nationalism and ethnic politics 12 (3-4), 323-346, 2006
Old Colony Mennonites in Argentina and Bolivia: Nation making, Religious Conflict and Imagination of the Future.
L Cañás Bottos
Brill Academic Publishers, 2008
La Trama Cultural
MJ Garreta, C Bellelli, PR Bonaparte, E Abramoff, A Acosta, ...
Caligraf, 1999
The moral boundaries of the nation: The constitution of national identity in the southeastern border counties of Ireland
J Todd, O Muldoon, K Trew, L Cañás Bottos, N Rougier, K McLaughlin
Ethnopolitics 5 (4), 365-382, 2006
Transformations of Old Colony Mennonites: the making of a trans‐statal community
L Cañás Bottos
Global Networks 8 (2), 214-231, 2008
Generations on the Border: Changes in Ethno-National Identity in the Irish Border Area
L Cañás Bottos, N Rougier
Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 12 (3-4), 617-642, 2006
Does being Protestant matter? Protestants, minorities and the re-making of ethno-religious identity after the Good Friday Agreement
J Todd, N Rougier, T O'Keefe, L Cañás Bottos
National Identities 11 (1), 87-99, 2009
Christenvolk: historia y etnografía de una colonia menonita
L Cañás Bottos
Antropofagia, 2005
Order and dissent among Old Colony Mennonites: a regime of embedded sovereignty
L Cañás Bottos
Permutations of Order: Religion and Law As Contested Sovereignties, 107, 2009
Assemblages of sovereignty and anti-sovereign effects on the Irish border
L Cañás Bottos
Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 71 (1), 86-99, 2015
Political transformation and change in ethno-national identity: comparative perspectives
J Todd, T O'KEEFE, N ROUGIER, L Cañás Bottos, J BONE, ...
Control cultural y Menonitas de la Vieja Orden
L Cañás Bottos
Sociedad y Religion, 139-156, 1998
Den arabiske maten til levantiske innvandrere til Argentina: Autentisitet og standardisering av folk og mat
L Cañás Bottos, T Plasil
Trangen til å Telle: Objektivering, måling og standardisering som …, 2017
Race and Process: Certifying Iberian Pigs and Invisibilising Humans
L Cañás Bottos
Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift 30 (3-4), 258-273, 2019
Borders, states and nations. Contested boundaries and national identities in the Irish border area
J Todd, O Muldoon, KJ Trew, K McLaughlin, N Rougier, L Cañás Bottos
University College Dublin. Geary Institute, 2005
"Our Fatherland is Heaven": Struggles of Old Colony Mennonites in Bolivia and Argentina
L Cañás Bottos
University of Manchester, 2003
Entre la tierra y el cielo. Procesos de conformación de la identidad étnica menonita
L Cañás Bottos
Antropología Cultural y Arqueología. Textos básicos, 1997
Cosmopolitan Networks–Networking Cosmopolitans: Between Anyone, the Other and the Making of Sociality
L Cañás Bottos, JK Simonsen, S Chen
Anthropological Forum 34 (1), 1-14, 2024
‪ When heritage becomes horizon: The acquisition of extra-territorial citizenship among Lebanese in Argentina‪
LC Bottos, T Plasil
Revue européenne des migrations internationales 39 (2), 43-63, 2023
From Grandmother’s Kitchen to Festivals and Professional Chef: The Standardization and Ritualization of Arab Food in Argentina
L Cañás Bottos, T Plasil
Objectification and Standardization On the Limits and Effects of Ritually …, 2021
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